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Britain’s population set to grow by TWICE as much as the rest of Europe combined

The Unhived Mind

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Setp. 2, 2015

Britain’s population set to grow by TWICE as much as the rest of Europe combined

Tom Batchelor — The Express August 31, 2015

The huge increase with dwarf the population rises of all the EU countries put together.

Within the next 65 years, an extra 21 million people will be living in the UK.

That compares with an increase of just 11 million over the same period across the EU as a whole.

The unprecedented boom will leave Britain by far the largest country in Europe – exceeding France and Germany’s population in just 22 years.

In six decades time, the UK will have 20 million more inhabitants than Germany – currently the continent’s most populous nation.

The surge means each year Britain will have to find room for an extra 315,000 people – equal to a county the size of Northumberland or a city the size of Nottingham.

Meanwhile, Germany’s population will have dropped by 15 million.

By 2080, the EU population will stand at 520 million, according to EU’s official statistics body, Eurostat.

Forecasts of a staggering rise come as David Cameron’s aim of cutting net migration to the tens of thousands was dealt a devastating blow, with official data confirming the number has jumped again to a record high.

The latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures show net migration stands at 330,000 – more than three times higher than the Government’s own target.

The Government’s statistics body revealed 636,000 people immigrated to the UK in the year ending March 2015, while just 307,000 people left the country.

Theresa May has branded the figure “far too high” and “simply unsustainable”.

In a bid to bring it down, she said only European migrants with jobs lined up should be allowed in to the UK.

The Home Secretary said the principle of free movement within the EU has allowed jobless citizens to move countries in search of work and benefits, putting pressure on public services and infrastructure.

She added that the events of this summer, which has seen hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees risking their lives to reach Europe, should act as “wake-up call” to EU leaders.

Ministers from across the EU will meet on September 14 to discuss the unprecedented surge in migration to the continent.

Last week it was revealed that the number of migrants now living in the UK has peaked at eight million. Research published by the Migration Observatory, part of Oxford University, showed that in 2004 the UK’s population of foreigners stood at just over five million.It reached six million in 2006 and went past the seven million mark in 2009.In 2013, it stood at 7.9 million, of which nearly two in three came from outside the EU.India, Poland, Pakistan and Ireland top the list of countries of birth for the UK’s foreign contingent.

But the number of migrants from within the EU is a growing proportion.

Europe's population density @EU_Regional @EU_Eurostat @ESPON_Programme

— Wolfgang Petzold (@WolfgangPetzold) January 26, 2015


September 2, 2015 at 7:18 am

Britain is bankrupt and struggling already let alone any future increases in population counts. To me these Blessed Isles of Albion are either doomed by the 2050 big event or they may be a safe zone. When you consider the type of gutter snipes that are being allowed into Britain I wouldn’t get excited that Britain may be a safe zone for the big one or any other large event. We heard over almost two decades ago that Britain would end up being the hell hole of Europe taking everyone no one else desired and what’s happening today? Now if you ran the World and wanted rid of so many people off the planet by 2050 (50% of the population of the Globe then a further 35% reduction of the survivors by 2100) wouldn’t you dump in a danger zone? Maybe the predictive programming films 28 Day Later and 28 Weeks Later were a little hint about the future of Britons by whatever warfare or natural event that’s coming especially the big one in 2050. Ask yourself how many Africans and low-lifes that Israel may be taking on and the answer will be zero because the destruction has to happen to the once goyim nations.


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