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April 16, 2015

Warning to America: Mexican Consulate & La Raza Groups In Charge at NC House

April 16, 2015

Contact: Amer

icans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) (919) 787-6009 |

Representative Harry Warren's (R-Salisbury) "Licenses for illegal immigrants" bill HB 328 passed in the Judiciary 1 committee and is headed to the floor of the NC House leading Americans for Legal Immigration PAC to declare a state of political emergency and to issue this alert to the nation.

Mexican consulate representatives and La Raza (The Race) group leaders grinned and leered in the faces of Americans upon passage of the bill in committee while a large group of 20 or more illegal aliens gathered in the hallway outside the packed meeting room.

The leaders of ALIPAC, NC Listen, and NCFIRE spoke out against the bill and warned the committee that public opposition to HB 328 would range between 77-83% of North Carolina's legal residents and voters according to numerous scientific polls and voting examples like Oregon's Measure 88.

The three groups are now scrambling to set up town hall meetings in the districts of the Licenses for Illegals bill Sponsors Rep. Harry Warren, Rep. Brian Brown (R-Greenville), Rep. Jonathan Jordan (R-Jefferson), and Rep. Jeff Collins (R-Rocky Mount).

Activist calls and emails against HB 328 outnumbered calls for the bill by more than 5 to 1 according to feedback from legislative staff. Activists may call and write NC Lawmakers with special focus on Republican members with info at this link (click here).

"We are going to launch our next line of defense next Monday when the lawmakers start returning to Raleigh from their weekend break!" said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "It was highly disturbing to us to hear the steady stream of lies and deception coming out of the mouth of Representative Harry Warren in front of his Mexican Consulate and National Council of La Raza supporters in the room. He has the audacity to claim this is not a license, yet an illegal alien can show one to a police officer when pulled over driving and the document will be treated like a valid NC driving license! It is a real shame that we now have to go tell the people of NC that there is an illegal alien license bill now on the move in the Republican controlled General Assembly!"

William Gheen is a prior certified driving instructor for the state of North Carolina.

Harry Warren also repeatedly lied when he claimed his bill had nothing to do with "immigration" or "immigration reform" when in fact the bill language (click here to read) says the documents can't be used to prosecute people for immigration crimes!

North Carolina residents who wish to help arrange and attend town hall style meetings across the state designed to warn the public about this bill while there is still time to stop it and activists from across America willing to stand and fight against licenses for illegal aliens in North Carolina can please contact us via
