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Gordon Duff is flat out wrong, America's southern border is IMPENETRABLE

Jim Stone

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July 13, 2014After getting in trouble with the Fukushima report, I initially tried to run for Mexico in 2011 by trying to get into Mexico by heading south across the border. After being jailed once and anonymously detained right after releasing the Fukushima report, only to be released immediately after successfully getting a phone call out of the jail to tell people where I was after being there a week (the crew that jailed me did it in secret, but I noticed a replacement crew came in one night after a week and told them I never got to call out. They allowed me to call out, and once that call was completed I was released immediately with no questions asked). Anonymous detention only works if no one knows where you vanished to. So right after release I knew I had to run for it because the Fuku report caused HUGE trouble. I did not want to go through the normal border crossing because of this and learned a LOT when trying to bust it going South.

Here is the truth about the border AS I SAW IT DIRECTLY and did not fantasize, dream, or b.s. up a story about what is going on down there the way Gordon Duff obviously must have . . . . .

The border is impenetrable if you are an American trying to get out. I was in the back country for three full days with great maps and great equipment, and managed to evade the U.S. border patrol for three days, and finally got busted. I had huge cameras at that time and got off as being a reporter, but was not allowed to proceed southward to the border.


Here is what I witnessed

There were five layers of border patrol that I saw, and possibly more that I did not. Drones flew the skies constantly. Helicopters flew the sky constantly. At night, you could see the rows of border patrol agents approach their positions with their headlights on. There were five separate rows, which from the top of a mountain I could see were spaced about a mile apart, extending five miles or more into the back country north of the U.S. border.

Where I cut in, I was between rows three and four. The first thing I did was climb a mountain and wait for the sun to go down. It was then that I saw how well patrolled the border really is. There were two rows of headlights behind me, with the patrols having the ultimate 4 wheel drive setups traversing the back country easily. Row five to the back had vehicles spaced at about a mile. Starting at row 3, they were spaced at a half a mile. Rows 1 and 2 were very closely spaced, with vehicles only a couple hundred yards apart.

I knew about defeating night vision, and managed to beat it with a sheet of plastic. Progress was slow, at about 3/4 of a mile per day. At the end of day 3 I ran out of water but kept going. I was about a half mile from the fence, which looked totally impenetrable but at least it leaned in towards Mexico, so if I managed to scale it I would not have acrobatics to do at the top.

Finally, on the night after day 3, I decided to stop trying to defeat the night vision because I was out of water and needed to move more quickly. I stopped moving the plastic forward to hide under it. As soon as I stood up without it, and I mean IMMEDIATELY, all the border patrol trucks saw me and I got mobbed. I was blown away by how fast the response was, I was busted in only about two minutes (the time it took them to bounce over things and get to me). Fortunately I had two large professional SLR cameras, "explained" I was a reporter doing a report on the border situation, they said I could not be back there and drove me into town. If I did not have the cameras and a good alibi, I am certain I would have been screwed.

It was close to daytime when they drove me into town. There was a McDonalds, so I got a coffee and went online.

When I left the McDonalds, I got a dose of the real story -

The border is totally impenetrable for people heading south. BUT at the actual border crossing, they were allowing Mexicans to stream across the border by the hundreds with back packs or whatever else, where buses picked them up and drove them away.


So Dear Gordon Duff, please get your story straight. The border patrol is there to keep Americans in, and the fence is huge and difficult and practically everywhere along the border. Drones fly the skies constantly as do helicopter patrols, THAT BORDER IS A ONE WAY PRISON WALL, THEY WANT THE ILLEGALS IN, AND FOR AMERICANS TO NOT PASS OUT, AND WHY? HERE IS THE ANSWER -


It is because right now, over 50 million Americans cannot get passports. I leave it up to the reader to figure out the reason why, but that is an accurate statement. No passport, no access. Fortunately I got across legitimately later. I recently received word that I can stay in Mexico permanently.


Ron Paul got it right - the southern border is now functioning as an iron curtain, with excellent patrols and maximum security. It is there to keep Americans in. That border IS SECURE, no ifs or buts, with the devil in the details, you can come up, but you cannot go down. When releasing huge reports about a porous southern border, DEAR GORDON, GET THE WHOLE STORY. You have done a great job with other things, do not screw up with this one.