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Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Illegals on Buses

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June 29, 2014

Let me apologize in advance for the length of this email, but I have a lot to tell you and I wanted to update you on the situation in Arizona and our border.

It seems like every day you read the newspaper or turn on the news, there is something tragically going wrong.

We now have U.S. Border Patrol agents moving illegal immigrants from one city to another in our United States. In Arizona alone, we have 1,000 illegal immigrants PER DAY being dropped off at bus stations in Phoenix and Tucson.

These illegal immigrants are coming over by the thousands because of the failed leadership and policies of Obama and his Administration. The claim is that these "children" are coming here because of political unrest in their home countries such as Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. But exactly HOW are they getting here? I can't imagine all these "children" are traveling alone thousands of miles north, surviving rough terrain and the dangerous heat of the Mexican desert to arrive at our border. So, who's really behind all this?

We've learned many of these "children" are members of the most dangerous gangs in South America. Worse yet, these illegal immigrants are bringing contagious diseases into our country, further threatening our American citizens.

And what is Obama doing about it? He's holding events at the White House "honoring young adults who came to this country illegally" that won't be deported. This President is sending the wrong message at the wrong time. It's unbelievable!

We're the greatest, most powerful country in the world and yet we can't stop illegal immigration? Give me a break!

I've written to you about this before many times, but just in the jails that I run we are seeing more than a 30% return rate for criminal illegal immigrants that were supposedly deported by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. Some of them return to my jails over and over again! How are these criminals getting back into the country so easily?

Does any clear-thinking individual out there really think we are going to deport these newly-arrived illegals? I certainly don't. I believe this is all being orchestrated by the Obama White House to punish states like Arizona that have taken a tough stand on illegal immigration.

It's no secret that the Obama administration, namely Eric Holder's Justice Department, has it in for me. They have spent more time and resources coming after me and my office to keep us from enforcing illegal immigration laws than they do working to stop illegal immigrants from crossing our borders.

Why? Because I'm the only law enforcement official in this state that has actively enforced our illegal immigration laws. A federal "monitor" has even been placed in my office to make sure we're not "racially profiling" anyone. This is absurd and that's why I'm appealing the ruling and will continue to appeal all the way to the Supreme Court if need be.

But they continue to come after me because I won't stop enforcing our state laws. In the past few days, allies of the Justice Department, namely the ultra-liberal ACLU and an open-borders, pro-amnesty group called "Puente" filed a federal lawsuit to prevent me from conducting workplace operations to arrest "employees" that are engaged in identity theft by using other people's social security numbers.

Being a victim of identity theft is no trivial matter. It can ruin your credit, your ability to purchase a car or a home and make your life miserable because someone broke the law and used your identification. I can't help it if the vast majority of these identity theft suspects are illegal immigrants.

For the record, Puente is an extremist, radical group that calls for deportations of illegal immigrants to end, permanent citizenship for those who break our laws to get into this country and to disband our customs and border patrol departments.

They have consistently called for my arrest, protest outside my office or wherever I appear publicly and have actively worked to remove me from office. They're counting on me to surrender and quit.

But, Patrick, I won't surrender. And I won't quit. I don't care if it's the Justice Department, liberal attorneys or these extreme open-border groups that want to see me gone. I've been the Sheriff for over 21 years and I took an oath to protect and defend both the Constitutions of the state of Arizona and the United States - and I will do just that for as long as I am in office.

My political opponents are right now organizing to defeat me in the next election. That's why I need your help today.

I hate asking for campaign contributions but I've been around long enough to know this simple fact: If I don't ask you for your support, I won't be able to stop the attacks and fight back against these extremists who want to get rid of me and wreak even more havoc on our country.

Will you stand me with me today and support my campaign with a $500, $250, $100 or even $50 contribution? (A new Arizona law now allows individuals to give up to $5,000 but, of course, any amount you can give today is greatly appreciated.) I must have the resources to fight back and do the job I was elected to do.

We must stand together and say, "Enough is enough!" and take our country back.


Sheriff Joe