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The Lone Star Watchdog

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June 23, 2014

We are in a state of emergency on our southern border. The borders are collapsing for political purposes of the Democrat Party.  Because they need a new dependent under class of voters to make sure their political power for decades to come is there.. This is treason in the highest levels of government waging war against the American people. The Globalist Puppet Obama is carrying out the agenda of taking America down for the North American union as well destroying our republic form of government.

The immigration and naturalization laws are not being enforced. Congress is not keeping the President’s power in check using executive orders bypassing congress when the President does not get his way. I would not hold my breath on the Tea Party coming to the rescue this November with a new congress is poppy cock. Washington is not going to enforce the Law if there is 535 Ted Cruz’s elected this November. I do not trust state governments in the border states either to enforce the rule of law. All we hear is lip service.

All I see is a crisis created by the Obama administration saying to stop the flood of illegal crossings to stop. Congress must pass Amnesty legalizing people already here illegally to solve the problem. This the talking points coming out of Washington DC. Their solution to the crisis that has been orchestrated with escorts advertised to help shuttle the people illegally crossing the border go anywhere in the USA without proper screening. The solution by the politicians is trying to make the American people accept a solution they will not accept. Remember what Rham Immanuel said” Do not let a good crisis go to waste.”

We are on our own. There is no help coming from state and Federal government. The Border Patrol will not secure the border. The Military is not going to secure the border. The National Guard is not going to secure the border. If they do deploy our Armed Forces to the Border. It is just a publicity stunt to silence the opposition without really doing anything to solve the problem.

The rules of engagement will make the mission ineffective stopping the drug cartels or coyotes crossing the border.  The politicians will not allow them to have ammunition for self-defense when attacked. The soldiers  will be lucky if the powers that be will let the troops  carry an empty rifle for show while ammunition is a mile back in the rear locked up in a shack. The Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) will be so dysfunctional having no clear objective of the mission. Political correctness will trump any common sense solution to be effective securing the border so we do not offend Mexico who is violating our sovereignty everyday.

Do we sit on our hands just in the Info war waiting for a miracle with talk only waiting for someone to come forward and deal with the problem?  If we do that waiting for the Calvary of Tea Party Politicians to come and save the day this November. We will be overrun by a hordes of third world peasants as a political weapon that will undermine our republican form of government.

We are in a State of Emergency being attacked by an enemy from within our government and in our movement. The massive migration of illegal aliens would not be possible unless there is treason from within people in the mainstream and alternative media misleading people in the wrong direction. Some of the people who claim to be the voice of Patriot Broadcasters fighting the info war are part of the traitors from within not reporting the truth for the purpose of buying the enemy time. Instead of telling the patriots deploy to the border. Instead we hear is a learned sense of helplessness and how the globalist are doing a good job wrecking the nation. Claiming to be outraged about the treason at the same time projecting the enemy strength as it is futile to resist. Beware of the enemy to your rear then the one in front of us.


Do not wait for orders from Washington or the State Capitals. Do not wait on Patriot Radio host to tell us what to do. The Texas militia and  units from other states are heading to the Texas Mexican border. The militia units already have an S.O.P in place on how to secure the border effectively. The Minute man deployments in Arizona have stopped the illegal border crossings in their tracks with a well thought out standing operating procedure. They are not waiting for Gov. Rick Perry to ask or give the orders to call out the militia. Even though the Texas governor has complimented the militia at the Bundy Ranch. Will the Governor of the Lone Star State follow through supporting the militia deploying to the Texas /Mexican border like he has with the deployment at the Bundy Ranch? We will wait and see if Gov. Perry is sincere with his words about the militia.

Personal initiative will save the republic if we are not afraid of the what the media says. It is going to take us grabbing the bull by the horns and take control of the borders. We are the government. The people in office and work for the system are public servants who serve us. Not special interest.

We have to go beyond enforcing the border. We have to not allow this uneducated and not naturalized voting in socialism to take part in our elections without going through the naturalization process. Immigration law is supposed to be uniform with no preferential treatment of one group over another. We have people here for years who jumped through all the hoops to become American citizens. Still they are not citizens yet because of the bureaucracy. To allow these people to be legal to come in without going through the visa process entering our nation other than a lawful point of entry is discrimination against those who have played by the rules.

We never consented to the borders being  collapsed by treaties and secret international agreements to allow this lawlessness. This border crisis is another way the government is trying to break our will as a people allowing the third world south of the border who know nothing about our history or our culture will vote in an authoritarian government if we do not intervene. To stop this lawlessness rest on our shoulders. Do not hold your breath waiting for the politicians to act.

We are on our own to stop this. We the people are the ones who have to secure the border. We the people are the ones who have to enforce the immigration laws. We have to execute the laws of the union and the Constitution. We have to resources and the means to stop this cold in its tracks if we have the will. We will find a way.