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Who is Behind the Financing of Illegal Alien Activities?

Nancy Thomson

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June 22, 2014

Internationally every country has the right to determine the quality and quantity of immigrants entering their borders on a temporary or permanent basis.  This is no longer true in America.  Immigrants around the world feel it is their right to enter our country illegally.  Most of the immigration comes from south of the border.  Several years ago the INS was so backlogged with immigrant requests that they farmed out their citizenship classes to community organizations.  Many of these groups turned out to be illegal immigrant advocates such as Hermandad Mexicana Nacional run by Nativo Lopez in Santa Ana.  Participants in Hermandad were illegally signed up as citizens following the class.  This source of illegal voting is given as one reason Bob Dornan lost his seat to Loretta Sanchez.

Let’s put to rest misconceptions used by illegal aliens claiming the U.S. stole the Southwest or “Aztland” from Mexico.  The 1848 Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo was signed by both countries, with the U.S. paying $15 million (remember this was 1848) plus interest for the territory where Mexicans resided.  Mostly native Indians lived in this area.  It wasn’t a Mexican settlement.  Mexico made many demands, their citizens rights were enumerated.  But Mexico’s main concern was that the U.S. be responsible for rescuing any Mexican who remained in U.S. territory and was kidnapped or harmed by the Indians!  As for the Aztec people, they originally came from an area near Siberia.  They never set foot in America.

The recent episode of thousands of students carrying foreign flags with repeated slogans spoken to the media, “no one is illegal, we work and pay taxes, we take jobs others won’t do, I just want to make a better life, I have a right to go to college.”  The rule of law as expressed in our Republic has been replaced with a democracy, or mob rule.  This is what thousands of illegals have discovered.  Many congressmen interpreted these mobs of people as a sign to grant them citizenship because there are so many of them!

How our educational system is being used to politically to organize Latinos is evident in a work book printed by a civil rights group for Los Angeles teachers to share with students.  It explains how students should communicate with their representatives, and attend political meetings to “promote their rights.”  For the few students remaining in class and after the walkout was over, some teachers abandoned the regular studies and taught lessons on “civil rights.” Besides school propagandizing, the Spanish media was using programming to support and help organize the marchers.  Cell phones zoomed in on the communication centers.

If anyone thinks that this amazing show of collaboration was just something spontaneous they are wrong.

Militant Mexican organizations that have been undercutting American laws receive government and state funds.  But that isn’t the only source of income.  The Foundations like Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie are part of the CFR contingent engaged in promoting globalism.  This same team is behind financing the Mexican illegal immigration movement and supporting their takeover of southwest states.  Globalsim knows no borders and this eradicating the border with Mexico fits their agenda.

According to Joe Farah, George Soros, a holocaust survivor, is another partner in supplanting U.S. Southwest states.  Soros (a product of socialist headquarters London School of Economics) has been involved in immigration issues for a long time.  He founded an organization to bring illegal aliens into the U.S.

Mexico needs the money sent home by their people working in this country  They also use immigration to get rid of their overpopulation problem.  Thousands of Mexicans here in the U.S. can swing elections and elect candidates.  The Mexican government can count on immigrants to influence U.S. politics in a way favorable to their country.  The Globalists are using Mexico as a tool to bring America down to a more governable third world level.

“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”  Edward Abbey

“A nation may lose its liberties in a day, and not miss them for a century.” Montesquieu