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Jim Stone

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June 17, 2104

Mexicans hate them. They are the outcasts, super low class that Mexicans would rather do without. It is not just the opinion of one Mexican, I have spoken to quite a few about this, and the illegals hitting the border have 100 percent of the time been referred to as low class, often criminal trash.

Quite an opening statement, let me explain with a little detail here -

Mexico is a high class country. You may not think so because of all the propaganda on CNN and other B.S. spewing outlets, but Mexico is actually very high class, with Mexico City being one of the top 10 most wealthy cities in the world and contrary to what you are told on CNN and other lie fronts, it is not all taken by the upper class. And Mexico City is totally blown away by places like Leon, Queteraro, and obviously many other large cities I have not seen before.


Mexico has amazingly low crime rates, there are simply no places in any of the major cities I have seen where a woman cannot walk safely alone at 1 AM. This is not a joke. The lies told in America are that vast, and Mexicans have a good explanation for why the cities are now so safe, when only 15 years ago they were not. And it is because all the low life trash went to America to live on welfare.

There is a lot to go over here, and it may be a bit disjointed. I spoke to a woman named Ruth here, who told me point blank that she had been to America, and that Mexico is a much freer and better country to run a business in and that there were far more opportunities in Mexico than in America. She cited many reasons, including a better economy in Mexico, less government interference in getting a business going, and a far better population to deal with.

She was disgusted with the people going to America illegally, because she knew full well that they were the super low class that was extremely lazy, uneducated, and largely criminal. She said it sure cleaned Mexico up to have these people leave and go to America for their free handout. And other Mexicans and latinos agree, when I was in America I had a lot of exposure to the LEGAL Latino community, and they absolutely despised the illegal Mexicans and considered them to be total low class trash, just like Ruth did.


Mexico is only third world by classification, not by reality

Cities run mosquito abatement programs. I have traveled enough roads to realize that they average better than American roads, with even secondary roads being well maintained and fully paved. Crime is at a minimum, even in areas that have very few police. I may have had a helmet stolen, but that was a fluke, none of the motorcycles are ever locked and the helmets just sit there untouched. There is plenty of evidence from the past when high security was needed, when these thugs who went to America were everywhere. But it really seems that Mexico has successfully shed it's problems off on the U.S., into the welcoming hands of Liberals who absolutely hate America.


Mexico's electrical system has absolutely total coverage, is ultra stable, and higher quality than America's.

That's no joke. Having a background which includes industrial electrical, I have paid attention to what Mexico is doing. The terminations are first class, and many lines are run underground. The utility poles and towers are higher quality and have better lightning arrestors. One note is that the utility companies are not stifled by EPA regulations, so they do output more smoke, but they at least obviously run electrostatic precipitators so emissions are not third world horrible. Think America in the 70's.

Vehicle emissions are enforced, and the cars run clean. The cities do not smoke up any worse than American cities. And car ownership is very high, you see a lot of the crap Mexicans hitting the border with dreams of a car, but that is not reality for the producers in Mexico, who seemingly all have cars.

Homes are constructed to a far higher standard in Mexico. Even 8.0 earthquakes cause very few problems. There is no such thing as wood, so fire departments are widely dispersed, quite large with good equipment and sit there bored, perhaps maybe to put out a Car-b-q on Thursday. There is no such thing as a house fire in Mexico. It just does not happen so fire abatement is for things bigger than house fires, or the occasional car-b-q.


If you can't make it, the government will not destroy you the same way it will in America

In every large city, there will be a district which has what would have been on-the-streets-under-a-bridge homeless in America. So in a city of a million or so, which would normally in America have 20,000 homeless people or more sleeping in piss on the streets, in Mexico there will be a zone where the police just leave it alone, and there people will scrape up whatever scraps they can find and build permanent homes. They will be very small, not have city water or electric, but always, in all of them, someone will have enough guts to climb a power pole, tap in, and give everyone power via extension cords and wires laying on the ground. And the government has enough sense to just leave them alone, to come up in their lives, rather than hunt down tents and shanties the way they do in America, destroy everything the homeless manage to get their hands on and throw them in jail for "illegal camping".


When you see pictures of Mexico on CNN, it is these homeless camps they will provide, I have NEVER seen a picture of Mexico in America that has the real Mexico represented, not even of the poorest city center.

So why would there be a flood of illegals coming up, if Mexico is in all reality a better place?

The answer is simple. Lazy people exist in all societies. Criminals exist in all societies. And the CIA has pushed the "American dream" image off on the world so well that even as America fades, it is seen as a form of Mecca everywhere. The big lie really works. And when these lazy underclass people make it to America, it does look great because they are waited on hand and foot, fed for free, given housing, medical and everything else to just sit on their butts while the working people in America who pay for it all eat crap.

Mexicans clearly live as well as Americans or better with less overall value in their cash. And the reason is simple - the taxes are less, which makes everything cost less. Nice houses can be rented for only $150 per month in most areas. This is because the concrete rebar and brick built Mexican homes last forever, are cheaper to build to begin with, and because zoning laws and build permits are not manipulated to cause property to be over valued by many many times. So at the base, living in Mexico is cheap. Food costs approximately the same as it does in America, but you don't get hit with outrageous bills for everything, so after rent and food, everything you have can go into value purchases such as cars and furniture, and cars can be had brand new, DIRT CHEAP here, for as little as $6000 new. China got in here with a $3,000 car called the FAW that was actually good, but Mexicans rejected it because it was Chinese, and it failed. That would not have happened if Mexicans were poor, most Mexicans prefer to spend $25,000 and up on something American, which is completely possible when what little they have left over can be saved up for a few years. And for the poorer ones, they would prefer to have a 10 year old American car they paid $5,000 for than anything Chinese.


Another aspect to all of this is the strength of the American dollar

How good is it for a Mexican to leverage cheap living against the American dollar, and get the benefit of both sides? How about this equation - Go to America illegally. Get on welfare, often multiple times using different identities, to really rake it in. Get your home and medical for free via a woman on the dole. On top of that, work illegally off the books, and send that plus the welfare from a few fake identites back down to Mexico. If you are low life scum the Mexicans would rather do without and will gladly shed on America (except for the damage to Mexico's image) then that will work fine for you, after all in Mexico you made a living stealing and dealing drugs anyway, why not go to America and do it, and rake in 10X as much?



You can't tell me that America does not have enough CIA agents in Mexico to see all of this, talk to Mexicans, get the big picture, and report it back to the Federal Government in America, A GOVERNMENT WHICH IS NOW THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE and tell that government exactly what it will take to get the low life scum sucking underclass of Mexico up into America to rip America´s guts out.

Mexicans know this is going on, and are simply relieved to not have so much trash running around their streets. Mexico has become a much better place because of it. But that won't bode well for America, Who other than an enemy in America's government would want to blow the borders wide open and just let the underclass and often criminal class of Mexico up?

I don't need to reference this, this is a front line report, the ultimate reference. I have been in Mexico for a while now, have spoken to these people, seen it all, and know this first hand. Hard working honest and intelligent Mexicans see MEXICO as their land of opportunity. Many people out there in every group will frown on the free handout, they are smart enough to know that handout has to come from working people. Those willing to work for a better life stay in Mexico to do it, and have fewer problems in Mexico accomplishing it, especially without a bunch of thieving lazy loosers running around.

The hard working mexican vs. the lazy

I have seen many job sites, and the results produced by many different types of workers. And I can flatly state that the "high producing Mexican Illegal" is mostly myth.


Where this stereotype is true is in the fields, orchards, and places like McDonalds. But you don´t want these people on a job site doing skilled work.

Mexicans in Mexico are actually great at what they do, and usually produce high quality results. And so do the educated legal Mexicans in America. But I have seen contractors buy into the myth that no matter what, Mexicans will work better and harder for less, especially when they are illegal, and that is flatly false.

There are a couple problems with hiring illegals and then trying to get them to do skilled work. When the underclass of Mexico hits a job site, often times they have never worked with power tools and they have absolutely no clue about what quality is, and no skills to accomplish it with. Usually they have only seen it done in Mexico, where even now a lot of stuff like mixing concrete is still often done manually even by skilled people. So the unskilled illegals appear to work very hard, but without skills and experience, they get very little done. And often times small business owners will sit there stupid about it while things get done half way or poorly, and on top of that slowly.

Skilled people in Mexico know how to work with brick and concrete, and they know how to apply surface textures that look good. But when I was in Bakersfield, I saw a LOT of stucco work that was done by unskilled illegals, and quite frankly it looked awful, unbelievably bad and far worse than the most stupid Gringo would ever do, and far below the quality you find in Mexico. Cheap is not always good. When I was in Houston, I saw unskilled illegals laying a brick sidewalk, and they did not even know that you had to level and pack the bed under the bricks, they just threw them down and called it good, and the result would trip a horse. It was AWFUL.

So I guess the message here is that these illegals, when they do work, can only be trusted to do a certain level of job. I am saying this to do away with the myth of the "hard working illegal", truth be told additionally, many times I have seen these crews working and they only work when the boss is watching, and stand or sit around lazily when he is out of sight. They don't think like an American and realize that the boss will return and notice nothing got done. But cheap is good, right?

I will tell you the real truth. Highly skilled highly paid Americans on a hard working crew will pound out a top quality job in three days, and it will look great. Give that same job to a poorly paid group of illegals that does not have a clue and it will take two weeks or more and will probably be very poor, if not a total disaster. That really is the way it is. The bottom line is that these illegals coming up won't do the nation a bit of good, I am absolutely certain you will see a quality of life decrease in America as a result. Quality of life in Mexico has already skyrocketed without so much of the underclass putting a burden on the nation.