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Dr. Lyle

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June 11, 2014

I am sending the below communication to you with the hope you might gleam some information from the content for your use.  This communication was an informal response to someone in the Intelligence community, and we have worked together for several years.  He is in a front-line position dealing with the Border Wars.  I deliberated about sending this, but if any of the content is useful to you then I made the right choice.  If not just hit delete. J  -LJR




 Tuesday –


June the 10th, 2014


2030Hrs; M.S.T. (Arizona)


Thanks (DELETED) for all your timely updates and insights.  You are in the midst of this horrific humanitarian crisis.  Here in Arizona, we are suffering the second area of catastrophe now developing in the southwest.  I appreciate and respect what you and (DELETED) are accomplishing, and you are fighting an uphill battle to be sure, but you all are faithful.


I just finished a radio show: The Manning Report coming out of Harlem, New York with Pastor James David Manning.  The Manning Report has a very large following nationally, and I have been fortunate to have known Pastor Manning over the past four years, spent nights with him and his lovely wife, Elizabeth, in their home, and been on his show at least a dozen times.  The issue today predictably is the huge influx of illegals streaming across our southern border.  I shared, most bluntly, that this crisis, and the one still to come, is directly by the hands of Obama, Holder, and their crews.  This “rush the border” is deliberate, planned, and intended to collapse our border, create amnesty which is a cover term for “to pardon and grant dismissal of all past offenses” and bring in so many cultures that our American culture will collapse.  Obama is hell-bent to push Amnesty on America through Executive Orders, and now with Eric Cantor soundly defeated, there will be ABSOLUTELY NO talk in Congress about Amnesty; therefore, Obama will move quickly and aggressively.  We are in serious, serious trouble.  We have still over 2-years with Obama, and he will continue to aggressively destroy America and collapse every principle and value that made our Nation exceptional.  Many people still are in denial as to just how dangerous the times are, and what has already happened and is still coming to our country.  Many in Congress are in the same boat – denial and preoccupied with nonsensical issues or unwilling to stand for what is right and with clear integrity.  I have been trying to find people who could forewarn Congress many months ago, but….  The Republicans in Congress are afraid; they are afraid of Obama, afraid of the Chamber of Commerce, afraid of leading, afraid of making waves which is what leaders do, from time-to-time, afraid of standing up for America like Reagan did.  We are quickly becoming a third-world country, and elected officials are afraid of standing up against a runaway and tyrannical federal government.  Like you in your area of the border, I have tried to get responsible Congressman to come and get a NO VIP TOUR of the border, as well as a briefing.  They prefer the VIP TOUR if they come at all.  They believe they already know the problems with the border, they already have been briefed sufficiently.  You and I have been hollering about a “rush the border” scenario for a year!  It began a while back, but now we have to add kids into the mix and the numbers of both kids and adults are large as to what is streaming across the border.


The DHS reports that 90,000 kids between the ages of 6-16 have come into our southwest since January; all of last year only 6,500 children came across our border.  DHS further reports another 140,000 are inbound this year, and propose another 150,000 next year.  DHS and Holder’s crew are now assigning lawyers to these kids here in Arizona.  They are now classified as: “Unaccompanied Alien Children.”  The attorneys assigned to these kids will now help them navigate the immigration process and help lead them to remain in America after being granted “Special Asylum” granted to these juveniles.  The numbers I mentioned are not counting those kids who made it across the border and not apprehended.  Arizona is hardly keeping up with the numbers inbound.  Shortages of food, water, clothing, medical care, bedding all exists in handling the kids Arizona now has in a large warehouse.  No one in Arizona elected office has a clue what to do if many more show up, and I just wrote they are on their way.  Many of these kids (and thousands of adults who have crossed the border) have mild to serious medical issues as you have reported Jim.  There is serious and sobering concern here that a viral outbreak could occur since the “quarantine” area is NOT seriously secure.  Arizona does not have the financial security to deal with the humanitarian crisis if it continues.  Our social services agencies and state agencies are overwhelmed, and much of this overload is directly due to the terrible economic conditions that have NOT been addressed by either political party.  Americans are seriously economically hurt, and the huge influx of ILLEGALS might prove to become a flash-point.  Arizona has 1,500 illegal kids in holding because of this influx.


The criminal element coming across the border from El Salvador, Honduras, and many places in South America are also concerns not being addressed, even covered-up.  It is beyond the pall how Obama has deliberately allowed, and even protected, criminal elements coming into our country.  ICE seized and released 68,000 illegals last year who had criminal records.  Furthermore, ICE Agents questioned 722,000 potentially deportable illegals in 2013, but only filed immigration charges against 195,000.  It was from the 195,000 ICE released 68,000 illegals with criminal records.  Sheriff Joe of Maricopa County, Arizona shared: 1,300 illegals are counted in his jail census; 400 had been previously deported and re-arrested for other crimes-including murder.  Many of these prisioners in his jail have been through his jail in Maricopa County (Phoenix) 18-times. 


FEMA Region 9 has now sent its Administrator to Arizona to help with all the needs overwhelming our State.  Obama, on the other hand, has not responded.


I have been in discussions with Arizona Legislators as to what they might be able to do.  I have discussed this matter personally with the Arizona Attorney General, and he ordered his Legal Division Chiefs to look constitutionally at what legal authority he might have at his calling to step in during this crisis.  I also have held meetings with leaders of two important groups in Arizona who can rally large numbers if needed.  I will not discuss this aspect just yet for operational integrity reasons. 


Thanks again (DELETED).  Keep fighting the good fight!  I pray someone in Washington wakes up, but I think the fight will have to come from the states and elected officials at that level.


 Best personal regards,


Dr. Lyle