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Jeb Bush calls for more immigrants as they are more fertile

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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June 16, 2013 1:51 am theunhivedmind 2 Comments

Jeb Bush: immigrants ‘more fertile’

Jeb Bush, the brother of former President George W Bush, said that the future of the US economy depends upon immigrants in part because they are “more fertile”.

By Associated Press12:26AM BST 15 Jun 2013

Mr Bush, thought to be weighing a bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, made the remarks in front of religious conservatives at the annual Faith and Freedom Coalition’s annual conference.

His remark that immigrants “are more fertile, and they love families”, was met with silence.

A spokesman said that Mr Bush meant that immigrants, Hispanics in particular, have larger families and more children. Mr Bush, whose wife is Mexican, also said immigrants are particularly important to helping create more taxpayers to fund the safety net for the retiring baby boomer generation.

Following election losses last year driven by the Hispanic vote, Republican leaders have called on the traditionally conservative opposition party to embrace immigration reform. However, some conservatives have branded the effort “amnesty” and called for rejection of efforts to give immigrants in the US illegally a pathway to citizenship.

Foreign-born mothers in the US typically have more children than women born in the United States. The National Center for Health Statistics found that the birth rate for foreign-born women was nearly 50 per cent higher. That has been driving population increases in the US nonwhite population.

Before being granted legal status, Mr Bush said, immigrants in the US illegally should pay a fine, learn English and be blocked from receiving welfare benefits.

Mr Bush said the nation must allow more immigrants “to pursue their dreams in our country with a vengeance to create more opportunities for all of us.”

“If we don’t do it, we will be in decline,” he said.

theunhivedmind on June 16, 2013 at 1:58 am said:

One of the main reasons for this desire to riddle the United States with immigrants is to make sure they seed the region with Catholics. Alberto Rivera (former-Jesuit), Hiram Dukes and many others warned you about this plan. The next bonus from this agenda is the easier implementation of the Union for North America since national sovereignty is destroyed with immigrants. This has been one of the techniques used across Europe to aid the European Union takeover which has Roman Catholicism as its state religion. The Jesuits are desperate to riddle the U.S. with immigrants and grant citizenship. From an economic point of view, the more citizen slaves signed up the more stock they have in the United States corporation mastered at the Temple Bar in the City of London. Each Citizen that is signed up has bonds created against their being through the fictional person which sums up to around $35bn. Now can you see what is going on?

I do not have to remind you that John Bush is a 4th Degree Knights of Columbus who kneels in front of the Pope. John Bush does not care for traditional families and fertility. John Bush is part of the conspiracy to destroy fertility and the family unit. He and his family have been attacking the fertility, health and family unit of Americans for decades in a devious nazi eugenics plan to aid the Club of Rome Global 2000 agenda. Not surprising when you realize the Bush family are Nazis running the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst in the Americas. They do this through the Directorate for Intelligence division of the CIA.

Another aspect of the immigration agenda is that the white race has to be destroyed and wiped out. In the U.S. there will be more black babies more than white by 2014. These black races are proven to be easily manipulated and dictated to by military dictatorships. This will aid the authoritarian martial law powers coming into force soon through the NDAA and the post-democratic society.

-= The Unhived Mind