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Invasion of southwest U.S. is underway


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April 9, 2013

The Conquest of Aztlan

Could Mexico retake the southwestern United States?

Illegal crossings of the U.S.-Mexico border have doubled recently, and possibly even tripled, since the latest congressional push toward "comprehensive immigration reform" – which many consider a euphemism for amnesty.

Indeed, as journalist Katie Pavlich has reported, some border patrol agents claim illegals are coming to the U.S. in much higher numbers in just the past few months, with data from Customs and Border Protection showing 504 illegals were detected crossing in just one border sector between Feb. 5 and March 1. Only 189 were caught on camera, and just 174 of the 504 were apprehended. Of those spotted on camera, 32 were carrying huge packs believed to contain drugs and several were heavily armed.

But could, as some immigration activists openly advocate, Mexico actually retake the Southwestern part of the United States?

Not only are the Mexicans capable, but an invasion is underway, insists immigration expert Glenn Spencer.

In The Conquest of Aztlan, Spencer unveils the aims of a radical movement that identifies itself as "America's Palestinians." Their ultimate goal is to reclaim the American Southwest, including California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas. Hispanic activists refer to the former Mexican territory as Aztlan, the mythical place of origin of the Aztec people.

April Special: Get a FREE copy of 'MINUTEMEN: The Battle to Secure America's Borders' (Hardcover) with every purchase of 'The Conquest of Aztlan.'

This is not merely the irrational scheme of some fringe group. Using original footage, Spencer shows how the pronouncements of Mexican officials and their policies support a reconquest of the Southwest. Perhaps even more importantly, Spencer contends, U.S. immigration policies and lax enforcement are paving the way for this invasion.

Click Here to Watch an interview with Glenn Spencer, the creator of "The Conquest of Aztlan"



In The Conquest of Aztlan you'll see how:

  • Former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo made a de facto declaration of war on the U.S.


  • The Mexican government helped quash an immigration measure passed by the people of California.


  • A fifth column of subversives is plotting to recolonize the United States.


  • Mexican officials prepare citizens to invade the U.S.


  • Mexican anti-Americanism revealed itself after the Sept. 11 attack.


  • Immigrants in the U.S. are encouraged to vote in the interests of Mexico.


  • U.S. policies ultimately are leading to a breakup of the country.

Glenn Spencer is president of California-based Voice of Citizens Together and host of the popular talk show, American Patrol.