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LOCAL 2544

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Ajpril 1, 2013

With all the news about cutbacks in Border Patrol agent positions, lack of coverage at the border, and the idiotic release of hundreds or thousands of criminal illegal aliens from prison, we have already begun to see unusually large groups of illegal aliens entering the United States in some parts of the country. This is what happens when you play political games with the nation’s security. Phone calls are made, media reports are everywhere, everyone knows that we have far fewer agents to protect the border and that our “leaders” are releasing criminals from prison, and the rush is on. Anyone remember the crush of Brazilians from a few years back that were chasing Border Patrol agents down to turn themselves in for their instant legalization?

We will continue to have large groups of illegal aliens chasing Border Patrol agents down so they can be “arrested”, knowing they will be set free and given temporary permission to remain here in the United States (no jail space to keep them locked up until their cases are adjudicated). Once they are set free with a “promise to appear” (wink, wink) 99% of them will disappear and never be heard from again unless they commit some heinous crime. Then, years down the road we will have a new group of politicians and activists screaming about how we need to “bring these people out of the shadows” by giving them amnesty. This is how the merry-go-round works. Proven time and time again over the span of many decades.

Thank you Secretary Napolitano. Thank you for endangering us. Thank you for cutting our pay 40% to prove a political point. Thank you for making our job even more meaningless. Thank you for releasing thousands of criminal illegal aliens that we risked our lives to arrest and put in jail. Thank you for all your lies about how “secure” the border is so that you can prop up another amnesty program. Thank you for cutting off our uniform allowances. Your support is really breathtaking. We just don’t know how much more we can handle.