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Immigration and the Future of America

Juan Cole, Informed Comment

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Jan. 29, 2013


mmigration to the US is if anything accelerating. The 1924-1965 immigration law had been racist and set strict quotas for everyone but northern Europeans. Since 1965, up to 25,000 immigrants can come from each country in the world. Increasingly, immigrants come not from Europe but from Latin America & the Caribbean, from Asia, and from Africa. Immigrants and their children will by 2050 increasingly account for most new Americans. This chart is what the United State will more and more look like in the coming decades - heavily Latino, Caribbean and Asian and African (about 1.5 million of the "other" category is Africans).

Since Latinos and Asians overwhelmingly voted for President Obama, this diagram also charts the decline of the Republican Party if it doesn't stop being the party mainly of angry white men.