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A Message to Those Leaving California to Escape Higher Taxes and Less Freedom

The Lone Star Watchdog

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Dec. 12, 2012

I lived in California for six years before I returned home to Florida. I now live in Texas because the north easterners came here and made life unbearable to live.(Not all north easterners are bad, there are good patriots)  There is a lot of great people in California. For those of us who lived in California. especially southern California. There is a soft spot in my heart always for California. No one can deny it who has live in California, California is a nation unto itself. I left California 20 years ago. I lived in Barstow and later in Crestline California a mile high in the San Bernardino mountains. It was beautiful.

That is the Golden state I remember when I left. Now I hear it is a nightmare to live in California today. The nanny state, high taxes, Illegal aliens have over run the state. The family is under attack. There is less freedom. The right to keep and bear arms is almost non-existent. It is very expensive to live in California now. It is hard to commute to work and feed the kids because the parents have to juggle gas money and food with prices keep going up, Then  there is paying your unities because of the carbon taxes. The only choice is to leave the state just to survive.

They say the definition of insanity is making the same mistake over and over expecting a different result. I have a few talking points I want to make those people to think about before they pack their belongings and move. States like Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, and Texas seem like nice places that have a better economy and the cost of living is much cheaper. They seem like a place to raise a family and the crime rates are low. The truth is, if anyone from California is leaving the state seeking greener pastures. There is some baggage we want you to leave behind.

The reason states like Texas and other states seem attractive is because the Legislature did not follow what California did. Not all people from California are bad. There are many who are fighting the system to keep the golden state from falling into oblivion. But for those who are ignorant leaving California. This is my advice to keep life good in the state you wish to live in. Keep your leftist ways on the left coast.

Here is a few facts Californians should know about why other states are doing better then California:

- The reason some states have a very low crime rate is there is no gun control. People own guns and carry a concealed handguns. This does deter crime more than the police can do.


- The reason these states are good to raise a family is because there is no nanny state attacking the rights of the parents.

- The cost of living is much cheaper because there is no regulations burdening small businesses where they have no choice but to pass the cost onto the customer.

- The taxes are lower. This means there is more money in the economy to buy goods and services which does create jobs. It is not wasted on big government.

- We believe private property rights does have more incentive in keeping the environment clean. We do not have draconian big government solutions.

- The people believe in individual liberty and personal responsibility.

- We are not ashamed of our big trucks that burn gas. If you do not like it than we don’t care.

Take note. Once you arrive to your destination. Let me explain how we have a sense of community and belonging. We trust our neighbors and we are treated with respect. Here is the rule. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Do not call the cops if someone is cleaning their guns on the back porch or in his own garage. Do not call the police if you see them taking their rifle to the trunk of their cars. Hunting and guns are still legal. Do not call CPS if a child is being spanked because the little one will not behave. Spanking is allowed in Texas. You will do fine minding your own business., If the gun owner is not going to shoot you. If the child is not getting beaten up with a tire iron. Use common sense and mind your own business if you want to get along with the locals and natives. We folks do things different here. We do not like snitches. This is not California.

This is what makes places Like Arizona Texas, Montana, Idaho and Utah so attracting to move to. When you move to one of these states. Leave the left-wing nanny state baggage back in California. We do not need those dysfunctional values exported from California recreating the hell they fled from.

So if a person wants to keep the state pleasurable to live in so they can raise a family and have an education for your children with good moral values. Than leave the Californian leftist ideology behind. It does not work here or any other state that loves liberty. It is running California into the ground. Do not let this backward way of thinking run other states into the ground.