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Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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Nov. 27, 2012

(NaturalNews) A fundamental principle of American immigration policy has long maintained that individuals and families trying to immigrate into the U.S. must first prove they are financially stable enough to do so, in order to prevent them from becoming a burden on the social welfare system. But today, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is openly defying this bedrock policy by actually encouraging new immigrants to milk the system for all it is worth, even though they are not legally eligible for government assistance in most cases.


The official "Government Benefits" page posted at the DHS-run explains that new immigrants should try to apply for federal benefit programs because they may be eligible depending on their immigration status, length of stay in the U.S., and income level. What it does not explain; however, is that many new immigrants are not even legally eligible for such assistance, despite deceptive advertising plastered across the site that makes it seem as though government handouts are ready and waiting for new immigrants the minute they arrive on U.S. soil.


You can view the "Government Benefits" page of here:


Though the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) claims the DHS-operated website is merely meant to provide greater access to information about government benefits, rather than specifically advise individuals about their eligibility, some lawmakers are concerned that the page facilitates new immigrants signing up for government programs they are not even eligible to receive. And because there are no checks and balances in place to properly sort out who is truly eligible, many foreigners are now receiving all sorts of government services illegally, and on the taxpayers' dime.


"From what we've learned from our inquiries from the government is that there's virtually no enforcement -- no attempt, no enforcement -- of the need for the immigrant to be self-sustaining," said Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL.), the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, about the flagrant negligence of the federal government in properly screening new immigrants.


"They're turning down almost no one on the basis that they can't take care of themselves financially, and the facts show very large numbers can't. And very large numbers are getting benefits virtually as soon as they arrive in the country, and the government is advertising for them to do so."


Ineligible immigrants being welcomed into country with open arms, given keys to the government services kingdom

According to The Daily Caller, USCIS actually offers new immigrants a printed guidebook as well, which explains how to sign up for all sorts of federal and state assistance programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security's Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and even the federal government's "Lifeline" program, also known virally across the internet as "Obamaphone" (, which provides free mobile phone service to qualifying, low-income individuals.


"One of the important points about the legal problems with the DHS site and materials is not only the issue of immigrant eligibility, but the fact that U.S. immigration officials are obviously granting visas to those they believe will and should be receiving government assistance," wrote a Republican Budget Committee staffer in an email to The Daily Caller about the issue.


"Immigration law is supposed to operate so that individuals at risk for being placed on public assistance are not admitted in the first place."


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