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Rubio: Obama Immigration Order Has 'Poisoned the Well'

Greg McDonal

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June 20, 2012

Sen. Marco Rubio is accusing the president of playing politics with the immigration issue, saying his order providing relief from deportation to young undocumented immigrants has “poisoned the well” for reaching a balanced agreement on immigration.



The Florida Republican told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Tuesday night that people will say, “This just made it harder because it poisoned the well and changed the dynamics. . . . What is to stop the president now?



“Can he decide not to enforce the immigration law at all? And some argue that’s exactly what he’s done before we got to this point,” Rubio said.

By using his executive powers, Rubio said the president had simply chosen to ignore the congressional process, the Constitution, and the concerns of the American people.

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“Unfortunately, the way the president’s done this, there is no discussion . . . but flat shoving this down the throat of the American people,” Rubio said. “And more importantly, he’s ignoring the Constitution, ignoring the congressional process.”


“From a practical point of view, what the president has done is going to make it harder for us to arrive at a reasonable, bipartisan, balanced approach to these kids’ situation,” the senator added.


Asked about whether the order was an unlawful exercise of executive power, Rubio stopped short of calling it “unconstitutional,” but said he thought it would be hard to defend in court.


Read more on Rubio: Obama Immigration Order Has 'Poisoned the Well'