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Fox News worst 'illegal' offender?

Grassfire Nation Update

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May 4, 2012

Radical leftist group MoveOn has launched a national campaign to “Drop the I-word.” 


What’s the “I” word?  Illegal.  As in “Illegal immigrants.” The new politically correct reference to Illegal Aliens is... "Undocumented immigrants."


Essentially MoveOn and others want to make it illegal to use the word "illegal" in reference to illegals.




The MoveOn campaign asserts that using the "I" word is racially charged and morally wrong. They further contend that using the “I” word is akin to a “hate crime.” 


+ + Fox News Is Worst "Illegal" Offender


The MoveOn national media campaign seems to specifically target Fox News in demonstrating the perceived vitriolic manner in which the “I” word is often used in the media by saying “one dangerous word we hear way too often on Fox News.”


Patrick, this is just another part of the Leftists’ smear campaign to demonize grassroots citizens who are calling for our government to secure our borders - and oppose amnesty for “Illegal” immigrants.  


Coupled with the new media smear campaign, right now Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is considering changing the “Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver” that would grant "fast passes" to as many as one million illegal immigrants, granting them legal resident status.


+ + Sign the petition opposing fast-track amnesty! 


Coupled with the new media smear campaign, right now Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is considering changing the “Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver” that would grant "fast passes" to as many as one million illegal immigrants, granting them legal resident status.

Unless law abiding American patriots take a strong stand against this action, we would be congratulating and rewarding those who are ignoring and breaking our laws.



On April 20th, Grassfire Nation executed an EMERGENCY PETITION DELIVERY with over 70,000 signatures to the Department of Homeland Security opposing the “Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver”, during DHS's “open comment period.”


We are now planning a second delivery to the DHS and want over 100,000 signatures – including yours on this delivery.  Click here now to insure that you are part of this important petition delivery.


Please take immediate action right now and be assured that your name will be among those grassroots citizens opposing the new DHS directive.


Click here to add your name now.


If implemented, this one rule change will put at least 1 million illegal aliens on the Fast-Track to legal status -- with virtually no “out of the country” requirement or penalties for the fact that they broke our laws and have been living in our country as fugitives. 


After signing, alert your friends -- giving them an opportunity to add their names to our petition so that we may represent them as well during our next delivery to the DHS.


Urge them to go here to sign.


Thank you for taking action with us.


Grassfire Nation


P.S. American citizens opposing amnesty for “Illegals” (using the “I” word) are being demonized and characterized by the media as “hateful” for simply demanding that our laws be honored and obeyed by anyone seeking residency in our great nation.


The Obama Administration wants to give a "pass" through a proposed DHS rule change. We are calling for Congressional intervention to stop the  “Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver” backdoor amnesty rule changes. Sign our petition today and alert your friends to click here.


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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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