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The Santa Ana , CA , Mexican Consulate set up a mobile Mexican Matricula Consular ID center on UNITED STATES PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY- Capistrano  School District at the Adult English Language Development Center located at 31351 Camino Real,  San Juan Capistrano , CA .


The fee is $27 per matricula consular application.








When the Minutemen arrived at the Capistrano School District Adult School    there was a hub of activity.  A mobile Mexican Consulate center was in full swing.




Legal resident Mexicans have U.S. issued green cards, for identification.




Mexican Consulate Mobile Matricula Consular Center

Mexican  Nationals in the U.S. ILLEGALLY do NOT have a  green card and therefore need a Mexican  matricula consular identification card -  matricula means: of a like group and consular  means: from a consulate.




Mexican government ID  transactions on U.S.public school  property




Box of matricula consular  application forms on USpublic school  property




One Minuteman


After the Minutemen had  been onsite for about an hour and a half, the  mobile center was shut down - above  photo.


Once Minutemen began to observe and report, documenting and photographing, the Mexican Nationals no longer ventured forth to the center and many, who had been in attendance, left the mobile center.






The Mexican diplomat, above, would not give us her business card nor her name


The Mexican diplomat, above,  approached the Minutemen as the Minutemen were  peacefully strolling about- on United States  public school property - observing and taking  photos of the event.




Minutewoman - peacefully assembling on public school property.

The Mexican diplomat repeatedly said, "This a private event for Mexicans only…You cannot be here…I am  telling you nicely as I do not want to call the  police . Please leave."




Minutemen assembled on U.S. school property


Minuteman Project National Rally Spokesman Raymond Herrera said to the Mexican diplomat, "No, we will not leave. We are guaranteed freedom of assembly under OUR Constitution."




I said to the diplomat, "The U.S. should adopt Mexico 's immigration policy."

"Oh," she agreed. " Mexico has a very good immigration policy."




Mexican diplomat south side of the mobile center


The Mexican  diplomat was particularly vexed by our photographing of the event. "DO NOT TAKE PHOTOS," she commanded repeatedly.

Minutemen stated that in the USA , we have the right to photograph in public.

"No, you cannot take photos," she insisted. Herrera and the diplomat then entered into a lengthy discussion in Spanish.


GANG MEMBER with application in hand




The man, above photo, displayed gang hand signals and yelled out "THIS IS OUR TERRITORY!" The Mexican diplomat witnessed and seemingly approved of the gang member at the "Mexican Only"  event.




He appeared to be filling out an application - in his left hand above.    Many have informally been told that in the Hispanic community only gang members wear black shoes. Note in the photo above, the only man in black shoes is the self-professed gang member.






The Minutewoman, above, had been quietly photographing...




Mexican Diplomat has a matricula consular card in her  hand


Suddenly the door above opened, and the Mexican diplomat, came out yelling. The photo above is just before she lashed out.




To our utter amazement, the diplomat started to strike out at the Minutewoman!  We were in a state of shock.  As she yelled, she struck across the Minutewoman's lower right jaw and lip, several times.


The Minutewoman above, in her left hand, used her sign as a shield, while pulling her camera back from the assaulting Mexican diplomat Ten minutes after the assault the Minutewoman still had a "stinging" sensation on her lip and jaw area.




Police arrived after the assault.


The police said they had been called by the consulate as they had reported that the Minutemen were inside the  building yelling and pushing about. We never entered the building and had been quietly moving outside, on school property.




Herrera spoke with officers then requested they interview the diplomat.

Per the officer's request, the diplomat came forward.




"They must leave," she said to the officer. But the officer replied, "No, this is a public school and they can be here."




The diplomat then said that we must stop photographing them.

"Ma'am," the officer informed her, "You are in a public area and they can photograph."




The officer then asked her, "Do you have the paperwork to use this  facility."

"Yes," she replied.

"I would like to see it," the officer said,




"I don't have the paperwork with me," she said back to him.




"I would like to see your identification," the officer said.




"No, you can't," she said to the officer. The officer at this point followed her inside of the building.

"I have no identification with me.  I did not drive,"she finally said as the officer pursued the issue.  At this point, the door shut and the officer remained inside of the building.






After the officer spoke with the diplomat, he returned to his vehicle and spoke on his cell phone for about 15 to 20 minutes.


After he hung up, he met withus. He said the consulate did not have paperwork but that he had spoken to the individual who had granted the use of the school. He said that we could continue to assemble on the school property.


He  appeared sympathetic about the Minute woman assault, but said the Mexican Consulate staff  had diplomatic immunity.






Mexican consular vehicle




Please forward!

Americans must know what is happening behind our backs, in our own country!!


What is a Matricula Consular card?


Matricula Consular cards are identification cards issued by the Mexican government to mainly illegal immigrants living in the United States . 

Currently, more than 350 financial institutions accept Matricula Consular cards as proof of identification thereby allowing thousands of illegal immigrants to have access to mainstream U.S. financial services.



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