border violence, writes Honorary Texas Ranger Chuck Norris in his column at quotes Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano as saying:"Let's more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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Chuck Norris: Obama Wrong on Border Violence

Tom O'Connell

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: 5px; float: left;" />border violence, writes Honorary Texas Ranger Chuck Norris in his column at

Norris quotes Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano as saying: "Let's stick with the facts. We need to be upfront and clear about what's really happening along our borders."

He goes on to cite several examples of cross-border violence, including incidents in which bullets fired from Mexico struck the city hall and a University of Texas building in El Paso.

Chuck Norris recently stated, “For your homework this week, read "Aftershock" . . . especially the section on ‘Say Goodbye to the Age of Excess.’” Get a FREE copy of Aftershock, Click Here

“Because of the feds' ineptness and passivity,” writes Norris, “it's no wonder that half the states in our union are taking matters into their own hands regarding border enforcement and immigration.”

More needs to be done to protect vital agricultural interests near the border, he asserts, pointing to the 8,200 farms producing $700 million in crops in Texas border regions.

Norris concludes: “Playing down border violence and trumping up Washington's successes may be effective for campaign rhetoric, but it's killing our citizens.”

Chuck Norris recently stated, “For your homework this week, read "Aftershock" . . . especially the section on ‘Say Goodbye to the Age of Excess.’” Get a FREE copy of Aftershock, Click Here

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April 14, 2011