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Grassfire Nation Update

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With little fanfare, on Tuesday the House of Representatives passed their version of the DREAM Act. As orchestrated  between Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid, the passage is part of a carefully designed  strategy between the House and Senate.

            We have already lived this nightmare several

            times from the Obama-Reid-Pelosi machine.

            The fact is, Reid used political maneuvering

            while working behind closed doors to ensure

            that the House version of the DREAM Amnesty

            Act now makes it to the Senate floor - as

            early as WEDNESDAY NIGHT! 

The DREAM Amnesty Act is nothing more than a pet payback  project of Reid that amounts to amnesty for millions ofillegal aliens currently living in the U.S. illegally.

++Your fast action is needed!

We must take action now.

       There are a number of Republican and moderate

       Democrat fence-sitters who are either undecided

       or unannounced as to their voting positions on

       the DREAM Act.

The votes of these lawmakers could mean the difference in this amnesty bill, which is why -- during this late hour we are sounding the alarm for grassroots Americans to  reach out to these undecideds and unannounced to ensure that YOUR VOICE is heard on this latest Reid amnesty scam!

Tell Senators and those sitting on the fence what you  think of Reid's nightmarish DREAM Amnesty Act proposal  by clicking here right now and scheduling your personalized faxes for fast delivery to these key offices!

Click here now to take action:

Don't delay in contacting your senators today! 

With one simple click our Faxfire system delivers YOUR  personalized fax message directly to the key players in this rapidly unfolding debate - a debate that left  unchallenged by Americans like you may result in the "legalizing" of millions of illegal aliens!

Click here to fax the key lawmakers who may decide the  fate of the DREAM act amnesty bill:

If you prefer, you may also send the faxes on your own. Grassfire Nation has made it easy to download all the  contact information and letters for you to personalize by clicking here:

Regardless of the method you choose, it is vital that our grassroots team take action to stop the DREAM Act  from becoming reality and forever altering the makeup of our nation.

Thank you for taking action with Grassfire Nation!

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

P.S. If you have already sent your faxes, thank you so  much! Please alert your friends by sending them this message.

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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