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AZ Sheriff: 'I Have As Much Regard For The U.N. As I Do The Vermin'

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Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County, Ariz. reacts to the news that the recently passed immigration law in his state was mentioned to the United Nations Human Rights Council.
He just bitch slapped the whole Obama communist regime!!
Sheriff Larry Dever, whose officers patrol Cochise County along the border between Arizona and Mexico, said he finds it “amazing” that the U.S. State Department would refer the recently passed immigration law in his state to the United Nations Human Rights Council for review.
“Well, it’s just amazing to me,” Dever told “Course, I have about as much regard for the U.N. as I do the vermin that hides in the rocks around my house here and reaches out and tries to bite me every now and then.”

Sept. 2, 2010