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The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration

Dan Amato

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The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration is a report put together by P.F. Wagner with editing and additions by Dan Amato of the immigration website Diggers Realm

Within this report you will find statistics, facts and the issues the United States is facing regarding illegal immigration.

All of the information is presented in a well sourced and documented manner. You can navigate through the different sections on the navigation bar to your left.

Most Americans are against illegal immigration, but I feel that the majority just don't know the dire situation that our country is in and the damage that illegal aliens are doing to the United States.

From the costs of education to traffic congestion to the impact of having a bilingual society, you'll find all of the facts here.

So get yourself a cup of coffee (or as some have suggested, a whole pot), sit back and have yourself a read of a very comprehensive report on the state of our nation.

- Dan Amato

Begin with A Foreward From P.F. Wagner

Aug. 27, 2010