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By Frosty Wooldridge

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It was spelled out in Spanish. CA was crossed out with a red X and replaced by the word ‘MEXICO’. Two smiling Latinos representing over two million illegal aliens in the City of Angels smiled from their anchor desks. Behind them stood the LA skyline replete with skyscrapers. Most disconcerting was a statue, also in the billboard picture, that stands in the middle of Mexico City.
The Mexicanization of America, races, with total support from Barack Obama and his Congress, full speed across our country. La Raza, the most racist organization in the world, licks its chops as sheer numbers of illegal aliens have taken over Los Angeles. They’ve run Americans out of countless cities and communities. They’ve trashed school systems and bankrupted 86 hospitals. They’ve thrown trash throughout the park systems. They defy laws by not carrying car insurance, driver’s licenses, work off the books paying no taxes, brutalize our schools with their language, spread drugs, and more terrifying are the thousands of cases of TB and hepatitis they spread into Los Angeles. In other words, they’re bringing their Third World into our world.
La Raza’s motto is, “For the Latino race, everything; for anyone outside the race, nothing!” What is their prime directive? It is the ‘Reconquista of Aztlan’ or the retaking of our four border states back into the umbrella of Mexico.
Recently, this journalist testified at the Colorado Capitol. Six liberal legislators had a chance to pass a bill denying benefits to illegal aliens and add an amendment to go after employers who hire them. Representatives Carroll, Todd, Weismann, Ragsdale, Gallegos and Todd heard 28 speakers to five in favor of the amendment, but voted it down.
It doesn’t end there. David Marsh, a cop from LA, was killed five years ago by an illegal that still enjoys freedom in Mexico. Eight women in Boulder, Colorado were raped by eight illegals five years ago and all rapists save one fled to Mexico. A New York woman was attacked and killed by an illegal. These stories multiply by the week.
The Mexicanization of America races unimpeded by our own elected officials. In the last election, Obama won and Americans lost.
How many Mexicans? Over 20 million illegal Mexicans overwhelm us, kills us, rape us, rape our welfare and hospitals, steal jobs from our poorest Americans and destroy our schools with their language which they refuse to relinquish. Even while they detest us, break our laws and invade our country—they send $24 billion in cash back to their broken down, corrupt country each year. Thousands of Mexicans in LA feature a bumper sticker that reads, “F*** YOU! THIS IS MEXICO.” Isn’t that a wonderful welcome to the City of Angels?
More insulting stems from the 56 Mexican consulates built in major cities across our country. Do you get the feeling we’re being colonized by a failed Third World country like Mexico? You would be correct. President Calderon refuses to employ and create opportunity for his own citizens. He represents what all Third World leaders stand for—the high, privileged classes and the poor are damned.
Do you want to talk about crime in Mexico? The entire political system is super corrupt. Army generals run drugs. Mail carriers bribe patrons or won’t deliver their mail. It’s coming to America with a vengeance. About 60 percent of the 20,000 members of the “18th Street Drug Distribution Gang” in Los Angeles is composed of illegal aliens from Mexico. In the latest report, 95 percent of all felony warrants are made out to illegal aliens. Hundreds of thousands of illegals drive without licenses or insurance. They run from accident scenes. An officer in Denver, Colorado on the Mike Rosen Show, May 11, 2005, said that eight out of 10 traffic stops include illegal aliens. They drive drunk and virtually ignore red lights.
How do we stop America from becoming a failed country like Mexico? Join for starters.
Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Wednesdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting the Dots" at at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.