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Arizona Border Confiscation: Lots of Guns

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Why we MUST support our friends in ARIZONA.

This seizure was five days ago. Located on the Arizona border!

Exactly where did you hear about it in OUR media ?????

Let's quit trying to decide who is violating our federal laws "to make a better life" - and ENFORCE the laws across the board on EVERYONE violating them - Nothing discriminatory about that amigos !!!!!!!

That way we won't have to lament or wonder just how many of the illegal aliens legalized (synonymous with rewarded) under the latest attempt to legislate away the millions who have spit on our laws - are MS-13, Zetas,

cartel members, and other scum that would be "legal".

I hope we can ignore and recognize the majority of the naysayers for the photo-op, attention-loving clowns they are - and start coming together as

AMERICANS that want what's best for AMERICA !!!

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