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Congress Criminals Ready To Legalize Millions Of Illegals

From Devvy Kidd

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The outlaws in Congress are going to try to shove this down our throats anytime now. Get on the phone if you can to your Congress creature and tell them NO AMNESTY for illegal aliens.

We demand they get deported, not rewarded.

Under the direction of a Clinton official who orchestrated the pardon of a major-league drug trafficker, the federal agency that oversees lawful immigration is preparing to legalize millions of illegal immigrants.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is getting ready for the huge influx of applications that will bombard the agency when President Obama,s plan to legalize the nation,s estimated 12 million illegal aliens becomes law, according to a major newspaper report.

The agency,s director, Alejandro Mayorkas, says his goal is to be ready to expand rapidly in order to handle the massive increase in visa applications under Obama,s comprehensive immigration reform plan. As the Homeland Security agency responsible for overseeing lawful immigration and granting visas, USCIS is equipped to handle applications from about 6 million immigrants a year.

If Obama,s amnesty measure comes to fruition USCIS could receive that many applications in just a few weeks, according to Mayorkas, who recently distributed $1.2 million in grants to help migrants adjust in America. In order to efficiently handle the increase, Mayorkas is implementing several measures to process applications faster. Among them is a method of receiving visa forms in the mail and another that allows illegal aliens to start the legalization process through a simple mail-in registration form.

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