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My Response to Your Positingson Illegal Immigrants


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----- Original Message -----
From: "James" <>
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 2:53 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Response to two articles today regarding the \'poor, illegal immigrants\', and how they are being treated so unfairly.

Regarding the beating death of the illegal immigrant:  while it\'s horrible that it happened, and a gross miscarrieage of justice that the boys are not being punished adequately, he shouldn\'t have been here in the first place, and if he hadn\'t been, it wouldn\'t have happened.  Simple.  Furthermore, arrogrant prick jocks do stuff like this--and get off scott-free--all the time to WHITE people (and any ethnic group you care to name), but I don\'t see a balanced reporting of that.  All I see is 'poor illegal immigrant\' and not one reporting of the beatings, murders and rapes perpetrated by migrant workers on the whites in the areas they come to work, and the illegals who have found that they are above the law due to the color of their skin and the voting block represented by their nationality.  I guess that wouldn\'t be politically correct.

= = = =

Regarding the Overhill Farms incident, it\'s deplorable that you post an article hilighting how terrible it is for illegals to lose their job.  The following quotes infuriated me:  \"Overhill Farms and the advocates of immigration enforcement in the workplace claim the workers shouldn\'t be at work at all. Hiring people without legal immigration status is a crime, they say, and those suspected of the lack of such status should be fired.

    "But I believe we have a right to work," responds Erlinda Silerio, another fired Overhill Farms employee. \"I work very hard, and I pay taxes. I came here, not to cause harm to anyone, but to feed my family."

Erlinda does NOT, as an illegal immigrant, have a RIGHT to work.  She has NO rights at all--she is ILLEGAL!  If all she got was to be sent  home, she got off lightly.  Had this been Mexico, she\'d have been beaten, fined, and tossed into one of the worst jails in the world, where she probably would have been raped as well before being deported eventually. 

It should also be noted that, by illegally taking a job she was not elligible for, she was indeed \"caus[ing] harm\".  With the millions of legal Americans in this country out of work and trying to feed THEIR families, she directly caused harm to someone who needed that job, and who was entitled to it due to birth or legal immigrant status.

And before anyone reading this labels me a racist, my WIFE is an immigrant.  I am not wealthy by any means, but I loved her enough to save my money, follow proper immigration procedures...and a few thousand dollars later, she was a legal immigrant, with a permanent residence card and legal work permit.  She also has family ties to this country, but unless you are Hispanic, that means nothing; we had to do it the hard way.

My point with all of this is simple:  stop posting all of this whining crap about how bad the illegals have it.  If they are here illegally, they deserve it; if it\'s so bad for them here, LEAVE; if they have financial problems, have their family send money to Mexico, just like we do to my in-laws (even though I\'m out of work); if they want to come here, then do so legally, just like any other immigrant who respects the law and has morals.  If the legal route isn\'t quick enough--TOO BAD.  They are not special; they should not have an exception; they SHOULD get in line just like everyone else wanting to come here.  My friend has been trying to get her niece (a single mom) here for over four years; it takes time and patience, but in the end, she WILL be here legally.  She doesn\'t expect special treatment; she doesn\'t expect to get her butt kissed by the government...she EXPECTS to come here when her number comes up, because she respects the laws of the country she hopes to call her own some day.

After reading this message, I\'m sure I will be labelled a racist, insensitive, elitist white prick because of what I said.  Being a heterosexual white male, I have come to expect that.  From the government on down, the laws of this country have been twisted to support the criminals, special interest groups and minorities.  What is right or wrong no longer seems to matter, as long as the vote whores in politics get their vote.