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Please Take Time To Care - Write A Demand For A Pardon Fro Ramos and Compean

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From:  F
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:25 PM
Subject: Please take time to care - write a demand for a pardon for Ramos and Compean - revised
January 13, 2009
Ron Rodgers, Esq.

Phone: 202-616-6070 / Fax: 202-616-6069


Dear Attorney Rogers,

We Americans know exactly what industry that the "shadow government" has been protecting by wrongly convicting Border Agents Compean and Ramos. Bust officers of the law and reward the real criminals, is that the program? Prove to the criminals that you "have their back" so they will continue the deliveries without fear? After all, a corrupt prosecutor, judge and hand picked jury is easy to come by in what is now "secret society" America, isn’t it? Taylor the verdicts to fit the agenda, right?

I imagine that asking the shadow government overlords to have compassion on the innocent is like asking a zebra to shed his stripes. However, if there is even one ounce of decency left in you all, these men should be pardoned of these bogus convictions and sent home to their families to try and rebuild their shattered lived.

Think about it, they proved your point. They accomplished their goals. I have personally spoken to the border agents and they are completely demoralized and frightened to do their jobs. Illegal aliens will flood the USA with greater disregard for US immigration and criminal laws, the corporate elites will get their cheap labor at the cost of the American lifestyle, t he protestant base will be further diminished, and drugs will continue to flow into the USA without fear of the law. With "the elites" goals having been accomplished, why persecute these poor men anymore? These "assets" served their purpose, right? There is no good reason that will further the elites’ cause, except pure evil, to continue with tormenting these men and their families.


Pardon Compean and Ramos. At least give the legacy of this president something positive for Americans to remember.

Very truly yours,