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White People are Leaving Alta California

Cuauhtli Teszcatlipoca - United Mexicas of Aztlan

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9 Ik 5 Muan - 1/13/2009

"The prophecies of our ancient elders will be fulfilled."

- Ehecatl - 

Our beautiful fruit groves, sunshine and warm beaches will again be ours to enjoy.  White people are now leaving the state in droves. Presently there is an exodus of gringos going eastward to the cold blizzards from which they came.

According to census figures, during the year ending on July 1, 2008 more White people left California than came in.  At the same time lots of Mexicans came into the state to retake this blessed territory as our home. We are  definitely winning the demographic war through love of family. . . without firing one shot.

White people have become physically soft and can not compete with hard working Mexicans who are accustomed to sweat inducing  labor. Unable  to  earn wages in phoney "paper pushing jobs", they are now forced to leave the "Golden State."  Only the hardiest will survive here in the present  economic conditions created by the "Jewish banksters."  Soon we will also liberate ourselves from this evil bunch in New York City.

Make no mistake, La Raza will prevail. We will survive like the Palestinians