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US Military Begins Preparing For Invasion By Millions Of Starving Mexicans

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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Reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that the United States Military is preparing for a massive assault on their borders by millions of Mexicans ready to flee their Nation crippled by a devastating, and unending, drug war, a collapsing economy and the catastrophic effects of Global warming.

US Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, in an interview with the New York Times News Service stated that America was becoming concerned over the deaths of thousands of Mexican citizens in their drug war and was planning for military protection for his own citizens, and as we can read:

“We completed a contingency plan for border violence, so if we did get a significant spillover, we have a surge — if I may use that word — capability to bring in not only our own assets but even to work with” the Defense Department, Mr. Chertoff said in a telephone interview.  Officials of the Homeland Security Department said the plan called for aircraft, armored vehicles and special teams to converge on border trouble spots, with the size of the force depending on the scale of the problem.”

The United States former drug czar, Barry McCaffrey, contends that millions of Mexicans may rush to cross the US border if security conditions worsen which would lead to the collapse of the Mexican government.

McCaffrey, in his own words warned: “A failure by the Mexican political system to curtail lawlessness and violence could result (in) a surge of millions of refugees crossing the U.S. border to escape the domestic misery of violence, failed economic policy, poverty, hunger, joblessness, and the mindless cruelty and injustice of a criminal state,"

McCaffrey, who has compared Mexico's situation to Iraq's, said in his report that nearly 7,000 people were murdered in Mexico's drug wars since 2006; 3,985 of these occurred from Jan. 1 to Nov. 25, 2008.

Corruption is pervasive, and even reached into the U.S. Embassy "with a DEA Mexican national employee recently arrested for being an agent of the Sinaloa cartel ... corrupted with a $450,000 bribe.”

Russian Military Analysts point out in these reports that the United States has had a longstanding plan to implement a war with Mexico and which the Americans call “War Plan Green” and which calls for the “imposition of a security belt 40 – 80 kilometers into Mexico to secure the US Southern Border against illegal immigration, terrorist infiltration, or the drug trade.”

Most disturbing about these reports, however, are Russian Agricultural Ministry estimates showing that by August, 2009, Mexico, Central and South America will be ‘completely dependent’ upon the International community to feed its citizens as its crops will be ‘decimated’ by the effects of a Global warming driven weather event called La Nina, and of which we can read as reported by the Bloomberg News Service:

“Grain and oilseed crops may be threatened next year by a weather pattern known as La Nina, according to a private forecaster.

La Nina conditions have developed rapidly across the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the past few weeks, said Drew Lerner, president of World Weather Inc. in Overland Park, Kansas. He said that may indicate more dry weather in parts of South America in the next three months and a wet, cold start to the U.S. planting season in March.

La Nina, which means “the little girl” in Spanish, is caused by lower-than-normal surface-water temperatures in the Pacific. It can trigger widespread changes in weather around the world, including a higher-than-normal number of hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean, Lerner said.

“The impact of La Nina conditions has already been noted in many areas, with more frequent rain in eastern Australia, wet weather in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines as well as a drier bias in southeastern parts of South America,” Lerner said in a Dec. 24 interview. “Confidence is quite strong that a full blown La Nina event is evolving.”

It should be noted about these reports, and as we have previously reported on, that the United States has long planned for these catastrophic events to occur, though not warning their own citizens, and as we can see evidence by London’s Guardian News Service report from 2004 titled “Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us”, and which is still censored by America’s propaganda media organs:

“Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters..

“A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

The document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents.

'Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life,' concludes the Pentagon analysis. 'Once again, warfare would define human life.'

The report was commissioned by influential Pentagon defence adviser Andrew Marshall, who has held considerable sway on US military thinking over the past three decades. He was the man behind a sweeping recent review aimed at transforming the American military under Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

An imminent scenario of catastrophic climate change is 'plausible and would challenge United States national security in ways that should be considered immediately', they conclude. As early as next year widespread flooding by a rise in sea levels will create major upheaval for millions.”

Of particular interest to us about these reports is not the dire scenarios they present, but how anyone could be surprised by them or call them outlandish. A case in point on this are the reports now coming from the United States that during this past year their most important and distinguished reporters ‘dropped the ball’ on warning the American people about their economic collapse, and as we can read:

“Signaling a look inward that echoes critiques of the media's performance in the months before the Iraq War, some of the nation's top financial journalists believe reporters dropped the ball as the nation's economy tumbled toward crisis mode.

Sixty-two of 100 journalists surveyed by Abrams Research, a firm started by former MSNBC chief Dan Abrams, criticized the media's work, suggesting there was an over-exuberance about the economy and a failure to connect the dots as troubles began.

"That's a very telling and interesting number," Abrams said Thursday. "Some of the comments we got were really fascinating. I think there's a lot of self-examination going on within the financial media about what happened and why."

The journalists questioned over the past few weeks, mostly reporters from organizations such as CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and others, were promised their identities would be kept confidential in return for their opinions.

They split almost evenly on who deserved the most blame for the crisis: 45 said banks and 44 said regulators. Only two believed that the media was mostly to blame, and nine pointed their fingers at consumers.

Said one journalist: "Everyone dropped the ball. But the media does not have nearly as much blood on its hands as the financial industry and government.”

Now, what makes these new reports from US most interesting is their juxtaposition with our Sister Theresa Marlene’s warning issued to the American people last year on January 15, 2008, where she stated to them:

“2008 is set to become, for the vast number of Americans, their worst year in living memory due to the planned collapse of the US economy and all of the associated traumas that will accompany this historic event. 

As we Sisters have pointed out many times over the years, and is also plainly evident by the growing number of economic crises hitting Americans today, the only path towards the deconstruction of the United States is through crashing their economy.

The crashing of any Great Nations economy has proved over our long human history to be the World’s best indicator of the beginning of massive social reengineer projects and Total Global War; and these ‘signs’ of things to come are, literally, staring the American people in their very eyes, but which still remain closed.”

In compiling the resources for this current report I queried Sister Theresa as to what she would warn her fellow Americans about today, and to which she answered:

“The American people have been so dumbed down by the media, the schools and the government that they’ve lost the ability to see past the charade of lies and propaganda which passes for news and have completely failed to understand that our entire World is in a desperate battle for resources, of all kinds, which only a Total Global War is going to decide who wins and who losses.  Even worse for most of them is that they lack any kind of preparation, even at the most basic level, and have no idea at all that they are going to be starving, jobless and homeless and herded into the many giant concentration camps that have been built over the past 10 years. As pathetic as it is to think about, most Americans today think that lowering their food costs mean ordering from the dollar menu at some fast food restaurant and planning for survival means buying extra cans of vegetables.  As each day goes by, I still don’t know whether to feel sorry for most of them or be angry at their sheer stupidity and arrogance.  But in the end I know this, by our efforts and those of others like us, the one thing none of them will ever be able to say is “I wasn’t warned.”

So, as another day pushes us all towards the coming cataclysmic events to come, let our hearts and minds turn towards these sleeping Americans with our fervent hope that at least some of them may awaken before all is lost.   

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico