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Amnesty Rally Set for Inauguration

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Amnesty groups just announced that they will hold a massive rally in Washington, D.C., the day after the Inauguration -- part of an overall plan that is already under way to get an amnesty bill passed early in 2009.

Even before the election, Grassfire began to hear rumblings from the amnesty groups who were already talking about "transition" strategies and their plan to work closely with the incoming Obama administration. An editorial by Mark Cromer in today's Washington Times' said it best:

     "With [Obama's] transition underway he is already under

     immense pressure from Latino groups to immediately suspend

     upon taking office the most successful efforts to enforce

     immigration law at the border and in the workplace, an action

     that would be seen as a metaphorical green light south of the

     border and trigger fresh waves of immigrants seeking to make

     landfall in front of an anticipated amnesty."

The amnesty push is just part of Obama's overall agenda that will further undermine our nation's sovereignty and centralize more power in Washington, D.C.

Well, I'm not going to give up this country without a fight! That's why, two weeks ago today, Grassfire launched a nationwide Resistance campaign to mobilize and connect hundreds of thousands of citizens who will join together to Resist Obama's agenda.

          As I write, we are already nearing 200,000 Resisters and I

          would like to add your name as we gear up for a massive

          resistance by Inauguration Day.

          Please go here to Join The Resistance:

 You fought with Grassfire as we stopped the last two amnesty bills. We are going to need an even greater Resistance to stop the Obama amnesty plan and the rest of his socialist agenda.

Please take five minutes right now to Join the Resistance. And then

invite your friends.

Steve Elliott, President

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