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Don't Let E-Verify Die

Steve Elliott, President,

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

                  + + Urgent Immigration Update ++

                       (forward below message to 30-40 friends)


Grassfire has just learned that one of the most effective and efficient resources in the ongoing struggle to protect citizens from the infiltration of illegal aliens is in danger of being terminated!

E-Verify is a free, easy to use on-line system that provides U.S. employers with a way to verify the employment eligibility of all new hires. This program has the potential to end the unlawful U.S. jobs magnet, and in short, is America's best hope for solving the problem of illegal immigration.

Hailed as perhaps one of the only few un-broken parts of the immigration system and it is now under attack from key members of the Senate, most notably Majority Leader Reid and Senator Menendez.

Senator Menendez is blackmailing E-verify, and won't release the bill for vote unless the Senate agrees to add another 550,000 permanent green cards to the 1.1 million immigrants already expected to come in 2009.

Unless Menendez releases his hold, E-Verify will die in November. This is outrageous and cannot happen!

++ Action Item #1--Call your Senators Today

This latest attack on our borders must be met with a blistering push back by grassroots Americans, and I'm urging you to take immediate action with me by calling your two Senators today, and demanding they make saving E-verify a top priority.

When calling, here are some talking points:

      -Demand your Senators approach Sen. Menendez

       urging him to release his grip on this bill (S. 6633) and then

       fast-track it to a vote.

     - Let them know that you are watching their actions and will

       hold them accountable!

Again, we have only until November to impact this issue--one of the only successful components of our broken immigration system. Please take decisive action with us and call today.

++ Action Item # 2--Alert your friends

We must not allow the actions of some dictate policies that stand to negatively impact us all. Please forward this message to 30-40 friends urging them to click below and sign our petition, and then call their Senators.

Thank you for you quick response.


+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.