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Grassroots Message to Bush: Do the Right Thing

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance


A Presidential Pardon is their only hope!

After losing their appeal with the Fifth Circuit Court, Nacho Ramos and Jose Compean's only hope for freedom is in President Bush, who up until this point, has turned a deaf ear to pleas from citizens and members of Congress urging him to set these agents free.

As a Capitol contact told Grassfire, "He's likely already preparing his list of pardons for his political 'friends'. Adding Ramos and Compean to the list will only happen because of intense pressure from grassroots Americans."

There you have it, Patrick. We need to mount up and storm the White House demanding the President right this wrong.

         That is why Grassfire is heading to Washington D.C.,

         early this month, and with us will be half a million

         petitions that will be delivered to the White House!

         But to reach our goal, I need your immediate help if

         we are to right one of the most heinous abuses of

         justice in modern history.

++Action Item 1--Alert your Friends

Just recently, I was on the phone talking with a friend of Grassfire when the conversation turned to what we were doing. When I mentioned agents Ramos and Compean, my friend asked, "Who are they?"

He had no idea who Ramos and Compean were--and for good reason.

The media has forgotten about them and so have many Americans.

That's why I need you to champion their plight and help me rally the needed support for our half-a-million delivery to the White House.

         Forward this message to 30-40 friends, and tell them

         about Ramos and Compean. Tell them about their dedication

         to protecting us and the wrong that was done to them.

         Urge them to fight for their freedom by joining with

         you and clicking here:

Follow up your messages with phone calls, actually talking friends through the petition signing process if need be. Patrick, to win their freedom, we need every citizen to take action. That's what it will take to make a difference in the lives of these two men and their families.

Again, we are headed to Capitol Hill soon, and we need to literally storm the White House with petitions demanding the President free Ramos and Compean.

I'm counting on you to step up on behalf of Ramos and Compean, and help us reach our goal of 500,000 petitions.

Thank you for taking action!


P.S. Patrick, Again, time is critical and I'm depending on you to forward the message to as many friends as possible urging them to join with you to free Ramos and Compean.

++Sign the petition to Free Ramos and Compean:

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +

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 Go to and post your comments so that theGrassfire staff along with thousands of citizens can benefit from your thoughts and opinions:

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong networkof grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.