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Drug Smuggler

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, Alliance

In the wake of the outrageous ruling from the Fifth Circuit rejecting the Ramos and Compean appeal, I wanted to pass along news regarding Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, the drug smuggler who triggered this nightmare.

Yesterday, he was sentenced in federal court to two consecutive 57 month terms for smuggling nearly a ton of marijuana into the U.S. in September and October of 2005.

         Keep in mind, this illegal alien, drug smuggler was the

         prosecution's star witness in the trial against Ramos and


For his efforts, the U.S. government gave Davila immunity, free border crossing cards, free health care. They even suppressed information from the jury concerning additional smuggling incidents-information that likely would have changed the outcome of the trial against Ramos and Compean.

I just concluded an emotional and compelling interview with Tara Setmayer, communications director for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who has been in the eye of this storm since day one.

In this interview she underscores the hypocrisy of U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton’s portrayal of Davila--a portrayal that led to one of the greatest miscarriages of justice that I have ever seen.

Click to listen to my interview with Tara:

 ++ "Pardon the Agents"

The only hope that remains for Ramos and Compean is a pardon by the President. Grassfire is mobilizing our team and increasing pressure on the President to finally do the right thing and free these twomen by whatever means possible.

            If you haven't yet called the White House, please

            do so right now: 202-456-1414.

Also, we are asking members of our team to help us flood Congress with faxes and ribbons of support for the agents.

           If you haven't already scheduled your personalized faxes

           to key members of Congress and the President, click here:

(As always, if you prefer, please send the faxes on your own. Our FaxFire service is for your convenience. You can access the contact information and sample fax text at the above link.)

It truly is a tragedy that an illegal drug smuggler with a lengthy history of bringing and selling his poison into our country could essentially get a heroes treatment while dedicated agents trying to protect us from exactly the threat that is Davila, are imprisoned for more than a decade.

On behalf of the Ramos and Compean families, please take action with me.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: Forward this alert to 20-30 friends--encouraging them to follow your lead by signing our petition demanding a full pardon for Ramos and Compean by clicking here:

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