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A Thank You from Ramos and Compean

Steve Elliott

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I have some good news to report about Border Agents Nacho Ramos and Jose Compean. No. Unfortunately, the ruling on their appeals hasn't come down--although it has been more than 7 months.

Following the Fourth of July update that Grassfire sent out urging members of our team to write Ramos and Compean, both received a flurry of mail!

          Patty Compean, Jose's wife told Grassfire that her husband

          was "so thankful to receive so much mail." She added that

          the cards, letters and notes really lifted his spirits, and that

          he was so grateful to Grassfire and the team for keeping

          his story alive.

          Monica Ramos too, reported that Nacho was so excited to

          get so much mail from Grassfire team members. She added

          that changes to Nacho’s prison schedule have been

          extremely difficult for him, and to receive so many uplifting

          and caring messages really impressed him and helped to

          change his outlook!

Whether you sent a message, or sent up a prayer on behalf of Ramos and Compean, I want to say thank you.

Time and time again, the Grassfire team responds, and I am so grateful for all you do--especially opening your hearts to these two Americans who know without question that they are not forgotten in the Grassfire family!

Thank you again.

Please know that when the ruling is finally announced, you will be

among the first we alert!

Note: You too can check the status of their appeal by clicking here:

Thanks for standing with Grassfire.


P.S: Below is the contact information for Ramos and Compean:

Ignacio Ramos #58079-180

FCI Phoenix

Federal Correctional Institution

37910 N. 45th Avenue

Phoenix, AZ 85086

Jose Compean #58080180

FCI Elkton

PO Box 10

Lisbon, OH 44432

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