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Romanizing America Through Illegal Immigration

Pastor Ralph Ovadal

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Pastor Ralph Ovadal is pastor of Pilgrims Covenant Church, Wisconsin, USA

Pastor Ralph Ovadal

[Originally posted on April 6th, 2006 A.D.]

In recent weeks, the advocates of the "rights" of illegal Mexican immigrants, accompanied by and even led by Roman Catholic priests, have staged rallies, protests, and parades all across the United States of America.

On 25th March, 500,000 people took to the streets of Los Angeles, flying Mexican flags and chanting slogans such as "Viva Mexico!" Another 500,000 marched in Dallas on April 9, waving Mexican flags with "Our Lady of Guadalupe" emblazoned in the center.

On May 1, a favorite Communist holiday, illegals staged a nationwide work stoppage and boycott of businesses and schools. The alien lobby also once more staged marches and rallies nationwide. As reported by NBC News, some of those activities were launched from local Roman Catholic parish churches. This outburst of protest is a response to several immigration and border reform measures working their way through the U.S. Congress. According to current estimates, there are as many as twenty million illegal aliens in the United States of America.

Rome aiding and abetting

It is unfortunate that very few Americans have been concerned with the religious aspect of this issue. The Roman Catholic Church is aiding and abetting the criminal invasion of America from Mexico, working both legally and criminally to bring as many illegal Mexican immigrants into my country as possible. In this, Rome has one goal in mind - the pope and his henchmen are seeking to turn America, founded and still a Protestant country, into a Roman Catholic country.

To that end, the Justice for Immigrants campaign was founded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Twenty other Catholic organizations have joined together with the bishops in a massive educational, media, and political campaign to block legislation to deal with the alien invasion of America. On its website, the Justice for Immigrants campaign lists the bishops' "criteria for the reform of the U.S. immigration system, including . . . abandonment of the border 'blockade' enforcement strategy." Plainly speaking, the goal is to eliminate America's security along our border with Mexico! The U.S. bishops together with their Mexican counterparts, of course with papal consent and encouragement, have determined to use Catholic treasure, influence, and manpower to erase America's border! This is not surprising to the discerning Christian. Sovereign nations have always been a hindrance to the pope's effective exercise of his office as "father of kings, governor of the world and Vicar of Christ."

The bishops and their comrades in crime are sparing no expense or effort to influence every strata and institution of American culture. Reading material which the Justice for Immigrants campaign has produced for distribution to school children is reminiscent of the propaganda produced by the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network for the same audience!

All dioceses backing the campaign

Mark D. Franken, executive director of Migration and Refugee Services for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, recently told the Washington Times that all of America's 197 Catholic dioceses "are in some way backing the campaign, with more than 70 being particularly active." As Mr Franken points out, Catholic advocacy on behalf of the illegal alien movement is highly organized, and the troops are getting their marching orders from the top. Consider this from the Catholic Zenit News Services: "Representatives of the Holy See and of the Catholic Church in Mexico are opposing a U.S. bill on immigrants, considering it a violation of human rights .... On Sunday, the California Catholic Conference of Bishops appealed for full migratory reform, which will include the legalization earned by illegal workers with their effort." So now, by taking a job and getting paid for it, criminals "earn" the right to have their criminality ignored. The lack of general outrage over such Romanist remarks cannot help but remind one of Revelation 18:23 - "by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."

On January 22, 2003, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in concert with the Catholic Bishops of Mexico, issued Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope A Pastoral Letter Concerning Migration. This lengthy, authoritative document contains statement after brazen statement endorsing and encouraging illegal immigration from Mexico. The bishops include a glossary of terms in which they differentiate between a legal immigrant; an immigrant; and a migrant, one who freely moves back and forth across national borders. The bishops make it clear throughout the document that their concern is for "undocumented" immigrants and migrants - the illegals.

'Necessary and beneficial'

While the majority of Americans find illegal immigration destructive and dangerous, the bishops find it otherwise: "We speak as two episcopal conferences but as one Church, united in the view that migration between our two nations is necessary and beneficial." Yes, the Romanists find "migration" necessary and beneficial to the cause of Rome; hence, the bishops call for an underground railroad to help illegals make it into America from Mexico:

"We call upon pastors and lay leaders to ensure support for migrant and immigrant families. We urge communities to offer migrant families hospitality . . . We commend church communities that have established migrant shelters . . . We call on the local church to help newcomers integrate . . .

"The reality of migration, especially when the journey entails clandestine border crossings, is often fraught with uncertainties and even dangers. As migrants leave their homes, pastoral counseling should be offered. . ."

Papal encouragement

To buttress their lawless instructions, the bishops turn to antichrists of the past:

"Catholic teaching has a long and rich tradition in defending the right to migrate."

"As Pope John Paul II wrote in Ecclesia in America: '. . . They often bring with them a cultural and religious heritage which is rich in Christian elements. The Church . . . is committed to spare no effort in developing her own pastoral strategy among these immigrant people, in order to help them settle in their new land and to foster a welcoming attitude among the local population, in the belief that a mutual openness will bring enrichment to all.'"

"Pope Pius XII reaffirms the Church's commitment to caring for pilgrims, aliens, exiles, and migrants of every kind in his apostolic constitution Exsul Familia, affirming . . . 'the sovereignty of the State, although it must be respected, cannot be exaggerated . . .'"

Of course, the quote from John Paul takes us back to my claim that the leadership of the Catholic church is so very concerned about the "human rights" of illegals because those illegals add numbers to the pope's American flock and leaven my country with Romanism. The bishops are not shy on that point and give some straightforward instruction for equipping the illegals pouring into America from Mexico: "Prayer books and guides to social and religious services should be provided along the way and at the points of arrival. The migrants should be reminded of their role as evangelizers."

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick

The bishops' pastoral letter is far from being the only documentation which could be given to prove that the Roman Catholic Church is unlawfully using illegal Mexican immigrants to build her power base in America. For instance, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, D.C. said this about illegals in El Paso Times: "They . . . come with the values that are so needed in the United States today . . . . This is a special moment in the history of the Catholic church and the history of migration."

Archbishop Jos? Gómez of San Antonio, speaking of the illegals, told Zenit press,

"(T)he values they bring . . . is [sic] making North American culture return to its Christian roots .... The values of the immigrants are very basic, reflecting a profound Catholicism."

Cardinal Norberto Rivera, Mexico's archbishop, has exulted: "In the north the emigrants, Mexicans and those who pass through Mexico, are bearing the faith to the north of our continent. Only five years ago the [Catholic] church was in the minority in the United States, it is now the majority" (EI Universo, July 28, 2002). The Cardinal was a bit premature in his Catholic majority claim; but the way things are going, one can understand his overstatement.

Of course, the Catholic bishops are the generals in the offensive against America's sovereignty, security, and Protestant identity. The thousands upon thousands of diocesan and religious order priests are the frontline troops who are charged with turning rhetoric into reality. As might be expected, the priests tend to be even blunter than their bishops with regard to the Catholic church's "human rights" work on behalf of illegal Mexican immigrants. For instance, consider this from Priest Paul Manx, as quoted in the wellrespected Catholic paper, the Wanderer, May 6, 1987: "America is a dying nation. I tell the Mexicans when I am down in Mexico to keep on having children, and then to take back what we took from them: California, Texas, Arizona, and then to take the rest of the country as well."

As is plain from that quote, the Vatican's corrupt campaign to funnel illegal "evangelizers" into America did not start in 2003; but it is increasingly out in the open, more aggressive, and more anti American. For instance, the 2003 pastoral letter of the Mexican and American bishops openly decries the "xenophobic and racist attitudes" of those Americans who are demanding an end to the alien invasion from Mexico. They are also outraged that our border patrol would actually arrest individuals criminally crossing our borders: "Alarmingly, migrants often are treated as criminals." The bishops echo the shrill charges of the leftist Reconquista crowd when they speak of "reports of physical abuse of migrants by U.S. Border Patrol agents" and claim that "the U.S. record of handling undocumented unaccompanied minors from Mexico and other countries is shameful."

Guide corps

In 2003, the bishops also suggested a Catholic commission "study the possibility of a more comprehensive preparation and assignment of clergy, religious, and lay people who dedicate themselves to pastoral accompaniment of migrants." Put another way, the bishops are promoting the development of a well trained guide corps comprised of Roman Catholics whose mission would be to skillfully and efficiently bring Roman Catholic Illegals from Mexico across the border into America. As the bishops gloated in their letter, "This cross border collaboration has already reaped positive results." It certainty has. The Roman Catholic Church in America has been reinvigorated, and its prospects are bright if only the move toward immigration reform and the re-securing of America's borders can be staved off.

The pope and his people do not care one whit about the economic and social effects of their campaign to Romanize America. They do not care that we now have thousands of vicious MS 13 gang members, illegals born Central America, roaming the streets of American cities. The scarlet and purple cadres couldn't care less about the danger that unsecured borders pose for the citizens of America in this day of Islamic Jihad. The woman who has ridden the beast in the past wants to get back in the saddle again in the worst way. The predominately Protestant nature of America's culture and our traditional defense of our national sovereignty are obstacles which stand in the way of the world without borders which is in Rome's best interest. The bishops, of course in compliance with their boss's wishes, have seen the benefit of America's porous border and are determined to seize the moment:

"Now is the time for both the United States and Mexico to . . . work toward a globalization of solidarity."

And speaking of solidarity, we will end this brief reminder of the cold, calculating ambition of Rome with a closing encouragement to lawlessness by the Catholic bishops of America and Mexico: "We stand in solidarity with you, our migrant brothers and sisters, and we will continue to advocate on your behalf for just and fair migration policies. We commit ourselves to animate communities of Christ's disciples on both sides of the border to accompany you on your journey."

Pastor Ralph Ovadal is the minister of Pilgrims Covenant Church, Wisconsin, USA. Website