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Recent Pictures Of Our Beautiful Sonoran Desert

Doug Parris

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Cultural differences as well as legal conflicts permeate the whole illegal immigration issue. These pictures from the immigration border crossing area shows what people in that area put up with, but which those farther away cannot quite comprehend unless they see it.  Those making laws to accommodate such influxes do NOT live in areas where they encounter the proof of the reasons why objections to massive influxes of illegals are growing.

Recent Pictures Of Our Beautiful Sonoran Desert


from the email underground:


 Another Monster Layup/Rest Area Discovered by



We are all breathed sigh of relief the day the Senate defeated the Amnesty Bill, but the USA is still being invaded! We discovered one of the biggest layups we have ever found.


This layup is on an ‘illegal super highway’ from Mexico to the USA (Tucson) used by human smugglers. It is located in a wash area approximately ¼ of a mile long just south of Tucson.


We estimate there are over 3000 discarded back packs in this layup area: countless water containers, food wrappers, clothing , and soiled baby diapers… and as you can see in this picture,  fresh footprints leading right into it.


We weren’t too far behind them.


As I kept walking down the wash,  I was sure it was going to end just ahead,  but I kept walking and walking, and around every corner there was more and more trash.


 And of course the trail leading out of the layup area heading NORTH to Tucson, then on to your town tomorrow. 


They’ve already come through here.

Is this America the Beautiful  -  Or another landfill? 


And they’re trashing our culture the same way they’re trashing our wilderness, with their murder and rapes, identity forgery and constant drunk driving crackups. This is an army with no more respect for the culture they’re invading than the land they’re trashing. “Grab what you can get and then move on.” It is the theme of nomadic tribalism. It is not possible to build a prosperous society on such a moral foundation.


The trash left behind by the illegals is another of the Environmental Disasters to hit the USA   Had this  been done in one of our great Northwest Forests or Seashore National Parks areas there would be an uprising of the American people…….. but this is remote Arizona-Mexican border Out of sight, out of mind.    

  This evidence needs to be seen by our whole nation.