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Message to Congress: Build the Fence

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I just signed a petition demanding our leaders in Congress to build the border fence--as it was promised to us. I'm asking you to join me in signing.

Click here:

After passing the Secure Fence Act last year, certain members of Congress "gutted" the legislation and along with it any hope that a real fence would be constructed.

A double-layered fence was promised to the American people, and I am holding leadership accountable and demanding they make good on their promise.

Two bills are currently in Congress that seek to reform and reinstate the Secure Fence Act. I support these bills, and urge you to do so as well by clicking here:

Thanks for joining with me.

Mr. Patrick H. Bellringer

P.S. After adding your name to this important petition, please alert your friends and family--urging them to take action with you!

+ + Sign our "Build the Fence as Promised" petition: