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Move Ramos and Compean to Minimum Security

Steve Elliott

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Steve Elliott, President, Alliance


I admit that I've been quite frustrated about the lack of information and urgency regarding Border Agents Nacho Ramos and Jose Compean and their appeal.

Just a few weeks ago, we told you about our meeting with Rep. Rohrabacher’s (R-CA) and the hope they had for the release of Ramos and Compean.

On Thursday, Reps. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and Rohrabacher requested Ramos and Compean be moved from solitary confinement into a minimum security prison camp while awaiting their appeal decision.

According to the release from Rep. Rohrabacher's office,

          "After enduring 14 months of the harsh conditions

          of solitary confinement, Mr. Lappin [Bureau of Prisons

          Director], would do the right thing and exercise his

          authority to move the agents into more humane conditions."

Currently, both agents are confined to their cells for 23 hours a day--completely restricted from any activities afforded to general population inmates, including regular telephone use, daily showers, recreation activities or television.

Director Lappin did respond to the request, saying that he would take the Congressmen's request under consideration and report back when a decision was made.


Moments ago, Ron De Jong was contacted by Tara Setmayer, Rep. Rohrabacher's communication director. She was on her way to visit Agent Ramos, "to check on his condition and remind the prison that we are watching them closely."

Tara is eager to share an update with the Grassfire team just as soon as she returns to Capitol Hill.

We will bring that to you sometime on Wednesday.

Until then, continue to share the Ramos and Compean saga with friends- urging them to sign our petition and support the release of these two wrongly imprisoned Border Agents.

Thanks for standing with Grassfire.


P.S: Please write to Nacho and Jose. Both are eager to hear from members of our Grassfire family!

Ignacio Ramos #58079-180

FCI Phoenix

Federal Correctional Institution

37910 N. 45th Avenue

Phoenix, AZ 85086

Jose Compean #58080180

FCI Elkton

PO Box 10

Lisbon, OH 44432

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