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The Truth You Aren't Being Told About the Fence

Steve Elliott

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On Tuesday, April 1, the Department of Homeland Security used its legal authority to waive environmental and land management laws so that it can complete 670 miles of fencing along theU.S - Mexican border.

No this wasn't an April Fools Day joke. But it's also not exactly what it appears.

It is true that the move allows DHS to proceed with miles of pedestrian and vehicle fence construction as well as roads and detection systems.

It's also true that the media clamored to get a sound-bite from DHS secretary Michael Chertoff, who proudly announced, "Criminal activity at the border does not stop for endless debate or protected litigation. The waivers will enable important security projects to keep moving forward."

But a closer look reveals quite a different picture. Click here for the full report:

++ We're getting doublespeak--not double layered fencing

Patrick it is a bit ironic that Chertoff would use April Fool's Day to make his bold statements--perhaps assuming (and wrongly) that Americans are fools when it comes to the border fence.

Grassfire researchers know the real deal about the fence that is being built, and the smokescreen being fed to the media designed to lull the public into a false security-- thinking the government is building the fence and securing the border.

Don't buy the lie!

    ++The truth is, this is not a double layered fence that was

         promised and signed into law. This is pedestrian

         fencing and vehicle barriers that have been proven

         ineffective. Illegal aliens easily and frequently cross

         these types of barriers.

    ++DHS has lied to us about the amount of border fencing.

         They have claimed 302 miles as of 2/6/08, however, this

         "fencing" consists of 145 miles of vehicle barrier, 78

         miles of old railroad tie-fencing that was already in

         place, and 79 miles of pedestrian barriers.

         Less than 10 miles of the promised double-layered

         fencing has been erected!

++ Grassfire headed to Capitol Hill

In two weeks, Ron De Jong and I will be traveling to DC for a national press conference regarding the Secure Fence Act.

I want to publicly expose the scam that is being perpetrated on each and every one of us and present more petitions than anyone on Capitol Hill has ever seen!

I want those who support an "open-border" to know that the jig is up. That they will not succeed at scamming the American people!

But in the time leading to our press event supporting the Secure Fence Act--an act that would force Congress to build the fence critically needed extra support.

++Action Item #1--Alert your friends

    Forward this message to 30-40 friends and family

    members urging them not to buy the lie about the border

    fence. Instead, have them read our special report and add

    their name to our growing petition so that they can be

    represented during this important press event.

Have them click here to sign:

Over the next 10 days, I'd like to rally an additional 100,000 citizen signers, but I cannot succeed without your help.

Thank you for taking fast action with me.


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