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Largest U.S. Underground Welfare State

Gabriel Delgado

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What does the largest UNDERGROUND Welfare State in U.S. History have to do with our unsecured border?

Relentlessly, angry American voices are asking, “Why is our government deliberately refusing to secure our borders?”  We now understand. The truth is indeed ugly.  While Congress talks the good talk on border security and immigration enforcement, they are actually in the business of aiding and abetting the invasion by Illegal Aliens and their offspring while pillaging our tax coffers for illegitimate purposes.  We have been and continue to be betrayed by what can only be described as an intentional dereliction of duty and responsibility to the American people.

It’s lunacy…’s reality……’s a giant magnet and it’s the largest Underground Welfare State in U.S. history being created right under our collective American noses.  A sophisticated entitlement shell game is stealthily siphoning our tax dollar$ from the pockets of the hard working American and diverting them to non citizens who are not entitled to one nickel.

Thousands of Illegal Alien Squatters’ Towns, called “The COLONIAS,” are located in remote areas along the length of our southern border, and have been funded by ‘we’ the tax payers through both state and federal legislation.  The border states, in conjunction with the federal government, have been working at a furious pace since the early 1990’s at institutionalizing the mechanisms which could help force the amnesty of millions of Illegal Aliens anchored on American soil.  The Colonias are a deeply entrenched root system being used to expedite the erasure of our border with a population exploding to an expected 20 million by 2016.

Colonias most often begin with clusters of tents and shacks, some without roofs or doors, all without water, sanitation, electricity, medical and pre-natal care, schools and roads.  Some, if not all, have a 20-60% unemployment rate.  You and I are footing the bill to the tune of Billions of dollar$ for the total development and construction, from the ground up, of these shanty towns.  With forgivable loans for land and housing, electricity, mobile medical units, roads, education and transportation, we are funding the building of border towns, called by the policy makers neighborhoods or communities, which are inhabited by Illegal Aliens — the self-proclaimed stakeholders — flooding across the border.

Unbeknownst to Americans struggling to put bread on the table and secure their family’s future, Vet's whose health care is sorely lacking, the elderly with cuts to their Medicare, homeowners in foreclosure and a crumbling infrastructure, our money is being given to the very people who have broken into our home!  FREE—gratis the American tax payer—better known in elite circles as ‘the sucker.’  And, my fellow suckers, this freebie does not include the ‘Merida Initiative’ which will funnel $1.4 Billion of our dollars to Mexico with zero strings attached.  Can anyone say, “corruption?”  Apparently Illegal Aliens aren’t sending quite as hefty a remittance back to the motherland which, of course, is cutting into Mexico’s GDP making the ‘Merida’ much needed pocket change.  These monies are over and above our normal yearly hand out to Mexico!Questions must be answered. 

Is it possible elected officials at all levels of government are ignorant of their participation in this underhanded scheme, in part due to their failure to read legislation?  Who is behind diverting our tax payer dollar$ to the Colonias?  These funds and grants are often hidden in appropriation and omnibus bills.  The monies are then given out covertly through government entities, often into the hands of organizations who support a massive amnesty for Illegal Aliens, for re-distribution to the Colonias.  This is a financial and land swindle of unprecedented proportions.

What has happened to our Representatives and Senators in whom we have entrusted our country and Constitution?  Elected officials are actively destroying our sovereignty. Americans will now know of the outrageous trickery perpetrated by their supposed ‘representative government’ through the stealth funding and institutionalization of the illegal invasion…..and what has become the Largest Underground Welfare State in U.S. History.