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Personal Tour of the Border

Steve Elliott, President

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From: "" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 11:07 AM
Subject: Personal tour of the border Alliance

From the Desk of Steve Elliott

If you could tour the southern border for a few months with a video camera, you would see first-hand just how bad the illegal immigration crisis is.

    Or, you can watch Chris Burgard's movie "Border" -- a raw and very revealing look at our illegal immigration crisis.

So many Grassfire friends have requested "Border" that our original shipment sold out in less than 24 hours. So we went back and placed a second order... and then a third order --  both of which quickly were claimed.

Already, several hundred copies from our fourth shipment -- expected to arrive in a few days -- have been reserved by Grassfire team members. I wanted to notify you because it looks like it could be a few weeks before we could get any more copies once this fourth order is gone.

    There is still time to reserve your copy from the fourth shipment. Go here:

One of our staffers just watched the movie for the first time last night. He told me that he simply couldn't turn it off. This is the kind of movie that will impact the immigration debate.

We simply cannot count on the liberal media or the political elites to tell this story. We must spread the word! I hope you will share this with family members, neighbors, friends and co-workers.

When your friends see the horror of the destroyed lives and businesses... the devastating "rape trees"... the infrared shots of Mexican mules smuggling illegals just a few feet past the cameras... and the frustration and desperation of the American citizens who live along the border -- your friends will get involved in stopping this national crisis.

Thank you so much for the stand you are taking!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Be sure to listen to my interview with Chris Burgard on the shocking reality of our nation's border crisis -- and how his wife challenged him to "get off the couch" and get involved in this crucial issue. Go here:

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