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Ramos and Compean: One Year and Waiting

Steve Elliott

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From: "Steve Elliott" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 12:37 PM
Subject: Ramos and Compean: One Year and Waiting

From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, President, Alliance


Today sadly marks the one year anniversary of the wrongful imprisonment of U.S. Border Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.

On this very date, in 2007, we told you that Ramos and Compean were ordered into federal custody after Judge Kathleen Cardone denied their motion to remain free on bond pending their appeal.

Since that time, the two have been locked in solitary confinement--away from their homes, and their loved ones. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), an outspoken advocate of the agents released the following press statement:

          "It has been a year since Border Agents Ramos and

          Compean entered prison.  This marks a year of shame for

          President Bush who has been fully aware of the details of

          this blatant miscarriage of justice and chosen to do

          absolutely nothing about it. Since day one, family members,

          a cross section of the American people and Members of

          Congress have pleaded with President Bush to pardon or

          commute their sentences to prevent these men from having

          to endure the horror of federal prison.

          For a year, the President has shown us his arrogant and

          heartless side by permitting the wrongful incarceration of

          Ramos and Compean to continue.  He may have put Ramos

          and Compean out of his mind, but for the rest of us, the

          President's disregard for Ramos and Compean's injustice

          represents a definitive and deliberate inaction on his part.

          The last year has been an absolute nightmare for these two

          men who risked their lives defending our borders.  Agent

          Ramos was savagely beaten within days of imprisonment

          and both men have been condemned to solitary confinement

          for a year, suffering conditions worse than detainees at

          Guantanamo Bay.

          It is shameful that President Bush refused to show the

          same level of mercy for Ramos and Compean that he was

          so easily willing to grant his friend Scooter Libby."

Patrick, as you know, the agents' appeal was heard before the

5th Circuit Court of Appeals on December 3, 2007 with a ruling

expected in the coming weeks.

Grassfire has been in close contact with both Mrs. Ramos and Compean, and they have not received any indications as to when the ruling might be announced. They did however,

ask everyone to pray. Contingent upon the courts ruling, Ramos and Compean may be forced to serve their entire 11 and 12 years sentences, respectively.

++ Action Item--Contact Rep. Rohrabacher, and thank him

Grassfire is asking members of our team to contact Congressman Rohrabacher, and thank him for his ongoing commitment to freeing Ramos and Compean.

Here is the Congressman's contact information: 202/225-2415

Please know that as soon as we know anything about the appeal, we will report it to you!

Thanks for standing with us.

Steve Elliott

President Alliance

P.S: Please continue to write to Nacho and Jose. We were told they look forward to hearing from Grassfire team members! Below are their addresses:

Ignacio Ramos #58079-180

FCI Phoenix

Federal Correctional Institution

37910 N. 45th Avenue

Phoenix, AZ 85086

Jose Compean #58080180

FCI Elkton

PO Box 10

Lisbon, OH 44432

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