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Amnesty Update

Steve Elliott

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ill the Dream Amnesty Act.

Then, Dick Durbin decided to slightly modify the bill in an effort to gain more support. And the Times launched its attack on grassroots Americans.

Now, the mainstream media has taken up the cause in a big way. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution calls it a "Dream immigrant proposal." The Des Moines Register, Sacramento Bee and others are getting on the bandwagon. An LA Times op-ed calls this new amnesty bill a "uniquely American dream."

We have been down this path before. The Amnesty Senators float their proposal, survive the first round of opposition, then call in the big guns in the liberal media to exert pressure on Senators to get their bill passed.

+ + Next 48 hours crucial

Today, the Senate once again began debate on the Defense Authorization Bill. Since the Dream Amnesty Act (SA 2919) is being attached as an amendment to that bill, the vote on the Dream Act could come at any time.

Unless we ramp up even more grassroots pressure than last week, momentum could quickly turn in favor of passing this amnesty bill.

+ + + Send faxes now

If you have not yet sent your faxes. Please go here to schedule faxes now:

(Note: you can also send your own faxes. We have posted all the fax numbers for you--located on the top left of the faxing page)

+ + + Call these key senators

Please call your two Senators :

(Here is the list of U.S. Senators and their phone numbers)

U.S. Senators

Akaka, Daniel K.- (D - HI) (202) 224-6361

Alexander, Lamar- (R - TN) (202) 224-4944

Allard, Wayne- (R - CO) (202) 224-5941

Baucus, Max- (D - MT) (202) 224-2651

Bayh, Evan- (D - IN) (202) 224-5623

Bennett, Robert F.- (R - UT) (202) 224-5444

Biden, Joseph R., Jr.- (D - DE) (202) 224-5042

Bingaman, Jeff- (D - NM) (202) 224-5521

Bond, Christopher S.- (R - MO) (202) 224-5721

Boxer, Barbara- (D - CA) (202) 224-3553

Brown, Sherrod- (D - OH) (202) 224-2315

Brownback, Sam- (R - KS) (202) 224-6521

Bunning, Jim- (R - KY) (202) 224-4343

Burr, Richard- (R - NC) (202) 224-3154

Byrd, Robert C.- (D - WV) (202) 224-3954

Cantwell, Maria- (D - WA) (202) 224-3441

Cardin, Benjamin L.- (D - MD) (202) 224-4524

Carper, Thomas R.- (D - DE) (202) 224-2441

Casey, Robert P., Jr.- (D - PA) (202) 224-6324

Chambliss, Saxby- (R - GA) (202) 224-3521

Clinton, Hillary Rodham- (D - NY) (202) 224-4451

Coburn, Tom- (R - OK) (202) 224-5754

Cochran, Thad- (R - MS) (202) 224-5054

Coleman, Norm- (R - MN) (202) 224-5641

Collins, Susan M.- (R - ME) (202) 224-2523

Conrad, Kent- (D - ND) (202) 224-2043

Corker, Bob- (R - TN) (202) 224-3344

Cornyn, John- (R - TX) (202) 224-2934

Craig, Larry E.- (R - ID) (202) 224-2752

Crapo, Mike- (R - ID) (202) 224-6142

DeMint, Jim- (R - SC) (202) 224-6121

Dodd, Christopher J.- (D - CT) (202) 224-2823

Dole, Elizabeth- (R - NC) (202) 224-6342

Domenici, Pete V.- (R - NM) (202) 224-6621

Dorgan, Byron L.- (D - ND) (202) 224-2551

Durbin, Richard - (D - IL (202) 224-2152

Ensign, John- (R - NV) (202) 224-6244

Enzi, Michael B.- (R - WY) (202) 224-3424

Feingold, Russell D.- (D - WI) (202) 224-5323

Feinstein, Dianne- (D - CA) (202) 224-3841

Graham, Lindsey- (R - SC) (202) 224-5972

Grassley, Chuck- (R - IA) (202) 224-3744

Gregg, Judd- (R - NH) (202) 224-3324

Hagel, Chuck- (R - NE) (202) 224-4224

Harkin, Tom- (D - IA) (202) 224-3254

Hatch, Orrin G.- (R - UT) (202) 224-5251

Hutchison, Kay Bailey- (R - TX) (202) 224-5922

Inhofe, James M.- (R - OK) (202) 224-4721

Inouye, Daniel K.- (D - HI) (202) 224-3934

Isakson, Johnny- (R - GA) (202) 224-3643

Johnson, Tim- (D - SD) (202) 224-5842

Kennedy, Edward M.- (D - MA) (202) 224-4543

Kerry, John F.- (D - MA) (202) 224-2742

Klobuchar, Amy- (D - MN) (202) 224-3244

Kohl, Herb- (D - WI) (202) 224-5653

Kyl, Jon- (R - AZ) (202) 224-4521

Landrieu, Mary L.- (D - LA) (202) 224-5824

Lautenberg, Frank R.- (D - NJ) (202) 224-3224

Leahy, Patrick J.- (D - VT) (202) 224-4242

Levin, Carl- (D - MI) (202) 224-6221

Lieberman, Joseph I.- (ID - CT) (202) 224-4041

Lincoln, Blanche L.- (D - AR) (202) 224-4843

Lott, Trent- (R - MS) (202) 224-6253

Lugar, Richard G.- (R - IN) (202) 224-4814

Martinez, Mel- (R - FL) (202) 224-3041

McCain, John- (R - AZ) (202) 224-2235

McCaskill, Claire- (D - MO) (202) 224-6154

McConnell, Mitch- (R - KY) (202) 224-2541

Menendez, Robert- (D - NJ) (202) 224-4744

Mikulski, Barbara A.- (D - MD) (202) 224-4654

Murkowski, Lisa- (R - AK) (202) 224-6665

Murray, Patty- (D - WA) (202) 224-2621

Nelson, Bill- (D - FL) (202) 224-5274

Nelson, E. Benjamin- (D - NE) (202) 224-6551

Obama, Barack- (D - IL) (202) 224-2854

Pryor, Mark L.- (D - AR) (202) 224-2353

Reed, Jack- (D - RI) (202) 224-4642

Reid, Harry- (D - NV) (202) 224-3542

Roberts, Pat- (R - KS) (202) 224-4774

Rockefeller, John D., IV- (D - WV) (202) 224-6472

Salazar, Ken- (D - CO) (202) 224-5852

Sanders, Bernard- (I - VT) (202) 224-5141

Schumer, Charles E.- (D - NY) (202) 224-6542

Sessions, Jeff- (R - AL) (202) 224-4124

Shelby, Richard C.- (R - AL) (202) 224-5744

Smith, Gordon H.- (R - OR) (202) 224-3753

Snowe, Olympia J.- (R - ME) (202) 224-5344

Specter, Arlen- (R - PA) (202) 224-4254

Stabenow, Debbie- (D - MI) (202) 224-4822

Stevens, Ted- (R - AK) (202) 224-3004

Sununu, John E.- (R - NH) (202) 224-2841

Tester, Jon- (D - MT) (202) 224-2644

Thomas, Craig- (R - WY) (202) 224-6441

Thune, John- (R - SD) (202) 224-2321

Vitter, David- (R - LA) (202) 224-4623

Voinovich, George V.- (R - OH) (202) 224-3353

Warner, John- (R - VA) (202) 224-2023

Webb, Jim- (D - VA) (202) 224-4024

Whitehouse, Sheldon- (D - RI) (202) 224-2921

Wyden, Ron- (D - OR) (202) 224-5244

Also, call Grassfire's list of key Senators who voted against the Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill but still have not stated a position against the Dream Act. Go here for that list:

Of course, the New York Times wants to dismiss your grassroots efforts as raw "hostility" that exposes the "bankruptcy" of your "self-defeating" passions. Let's make sure the liberal elites do not have the last word on this issue.

Steve Elliott, President

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