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Invasion, U.S.A.

By: Alan Stang

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se no doubt will turn out to be Communist.

My wife and I, and one of our sons, demonstrated as well, against illegal entry. There was no violence and we were generally well received, except for a man who gave us the drive-by finger, and a woman who screamed that the criminals are here to stay. She drove away too fast for me to respond, "Tu eres una puta, y tu madre también."

We attended a Minute Man meeting for the first time and were mightily impressed by the quality of the participants. Of course there were many military veterans. One of the leaders was a realtor. Another sold insurance. The director of training was a former Army Ranger who now is a policeman. The media person is the mother of six.

Surely by now anyone who is ever going to awaken to the present invasion of these united States is awake. What should be done about it? What follows is admittedly a flight from realism. I have not the slightest expectation that any of this will happen. It is a daydream, nothing more; a rendition of what I believe the federal government should and would do were the President an American rather than a Communist world government traitor who is trying to destroy our independence.

Such a President would announce that we are at war, not just in Iraq, but also here in these united States, that we are under attack and that we are being invaded. Such an announcement would be necessary to galvanize the citizenry to the danger and to what must be done.

First, the President would lock down every square inch of the border. This would be a lot easier than it sounds and could be done with a combination of troops and technology. The troops would come not from the U.S. military, but from the revitalized state militias under the command of their governors. The technology is already available and has been tested on Americans. Instead of spying on you, it would be placed on the Rio Grande.

The know-how would come from the experience we have gained protecting the borders of nations like Iraq and Afghanistan rather than our own. In the same category, we have been told there is insufficient manpower for the job. How is it then that in Austin, Texas, for instance, policemen have time to raid bars and arrest people therein who may be drunk?

The excuse is drunk driving, but the arrestees are sitting on bar stools, not driving. Indeed, some of the people arrested in hotel bars are staying in the hotels, and when they get drunk enough will crawl upstairs to bed. Maybe they make fools of themselves, which is not a crime. So, those overzealous policemen would be sent to the border, where they would arrest sober people who are committing the crime of illegally entering their state.

Second, we must do something about the foreign criminals who are already here. It already is a serious crime to employ illegal aliens. We don’t need another law. We don’t need a new "program." The law on the books would be enforced. Employers who hire illegals would be thrown into jail. Illegals on the premises would be hauled away. The Americans who are presently out of work would do those jobs, when the employer is paroled and reopens the business.

Third, "anchor babies" would become "boomerang babies." If your mother crossed the border a few minutes ago to deliver you free under federal law at a hospital that is now closing up as a result, you will not be rewarded with citizenship that will bring your second cousin twice removed to this country. If you are born here in that way, you will be considered a boomerang and bounced back to where your mother came from.

Fourth, all federal welfare programs would be abolished. No more food stamps, etc. The Department of HHS would be abolished. Americans – Americans – Americans who really do need help would get it on the county level, where it would go to those people with a minimum of leakage. Word would quickly get back to the mother country that the gravy train has derailed.

Fifth, regular Mexican army units have penetrated up to fifty miles in Texas. An American President would consider that an act of war. Enemies in uniform have fired across the Rio Grande on American Border Patrol personnel. An American President would exterminate the next enemies who did that. At the Minute Man meeting I attended over the weekend, the policeman in charge of training said the "coyotes" we face on the border are professionally trained and are equipped as well as or even better than we are.

Sixth, as we saw last weekend, the criminals and their advocates like to demonstrate their presence and power in the streets. An American President would encourage them to do that, the more the better. When they show up, they would be surrounded by S.W.A.T., as many as it takes and kept in a confined space as long as necessary to process them.

From there, they would be hauled to one of the concentration camps Halliburton has prepared around the country. They would be loaded on the biggest cargo planes the U.S. Air Force flies, equipped with parachutes courtesy of this country – because we are so humane – flown across the border deep into Mexico and dropped. Let el presidente Fox figure it out.

In the alternative, they would be shipped in comfort via Amtrak, courtesy of the united States, and offloaded on the other side of the international border. We would not need to do this a long time, because raids across the country would rapidly diminish the population of such criminals. When the last of them is gone – or as near as we can get – all immigration would be halted until we recover from the invasion.

When the liberaloids complain about all this, the President would respond that he has decided to take the advice of the Supreme Court and apply foreign law to the matter. The foreign law he would apply is Mexican law on illegal immigration into that country. Mexican law on the subject is rather strict, like immigration law around the world, for that matter, but foreign law is what the liberaloids want.

Again, it is a mere fantasy, but it would be eminently possible were the President an American. Remember that this thing would start to stop in ten minutes if George W. Smirk were to pick up the phone and say, "Stop this at once!" The problem is that Smirk is not just a shaky drunk; he is a Communist world government traitor.

Consider also a couple of things I have not seen mentioned. This is not a battle against Latinos or Mexicans, but against people who are here illegally. Some, maybe many, Americans of Latino descent oppose the invasion. Last weekend, I met one of them, actively campaigning against it, a hero of sorts. He lives among illegals, who regularly threaten him with violence. An American President would inspire loyal Americans of foreign descent.

The Communists have long tried to unite blacks and Latinos in various Communist schemes. Americans could use the illegal alien issue to inspire American blacks, because illegal aliens are taking jobs from them, which certainly is something an American President would make clear. The present invasion is certainly a "black issue," because the District of Criminals is favoring foreigners over American blacks.

Lastly, no issue could be more important to women. The emergency is careening inevitably to violence, like the prey hypnotized by the cobra. The more violent it becomes, the worse it would be in daily life. When things are decided not by reason but by physical strength, by violence, women suffer. If ever there was one, the illegal alien invasion is a "woman’s issue."

Along these lines, the liberaloid hatred for America is hot enough to bring down the World Trade Center. To destroy America, the liberaloids would even give control of it to Islam, even though Islam would destroy them. By now we know what Islam would do to women. Yet not a peep is heard from the womanoid organizations that purport to be fighting women’s issues. If the President were an American, his wife would certainly be making clear the stake of American women in the war.

At the Minute Man meeting we attended, the policeman in charge of training spoke of an incident on the border, in which, had one of the invaders picked up a nearby .30-.30, "we would have fired the shot heard ‘round the world." In view of the present, intensifying climate of violence, can you see any future scenario in which that shot will not be fired? However much I dislike it, I can’t.


Alan Stang has been a network radio talk show host and was one of Mike Wallace's first writers. He was a senior writer for American Opinion magazine and has lectured around the world for more than 30 years. He is also the author of ten books. Go to to read about Alan Stang's blockbuster new novel, He, about the greatest hero of all time, Jesus Christ.

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Published in the March 31, 2006 issue of Ether Zone.

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