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IVAN Will Finish Florida Off

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its first major test of widespread control.

The MOUSE LINE is nothing new as it was established in the later 1960's by military strategists before the current FEMA ever became a Federal executive department. FEMA originally stood for Federal Emergency MILITARY ACTION. The scenario since day one [not long after the Cuban Missile Crisis] was that if "national security" warranted it, everything below the MOUSE LINE would be a military zone... a civilian "no-man's land."

What can be expected? When a FEMA truck showed up with ice in Southeastern Florida 2 nights ago, a clash took place between the local Chief of Police and FEMA officials. The townspeople had been waiting in line for up to 7 hours for ice at a FEMA emergency distribution point when the truck showed up, but FEMA officials insisted it be distributed the next morning. The local Police Chief said that if it wasn't distributed immediately, he would instruct his armed police officers to distribute it. FEMA caved in to avoid an open conflict.

But after IVAN hits Florida, FEMA will no longer cave in to any local civil authority as they will have open Federal "authority" from both the BUSH BROS to rule all local towns and counties below the MOUSE LINE. CAMP CHARLIE in Charlotte County has done this already whereby local EMS, EOS, and law enforcement must answer to FEMA-Homeland Security. Florida is currently designated as a Federal Disaster Area and the Federal Military already has full authority to "occupy" and rule over all local authorities.

If you don't think this amounts to anything, wait until IVAN hits. The roadblocks are already in place below the MOUSE LINE. People are already complaining about being denied access to their own property because they don't have sufficient ID.

What all of us who live here have experienced since August 13 is called a FEDERAL POLICE STATE. When IVAN hits between 9-11 and 9-13, the Federal Emergency Military Action will be in total open control.
