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There's No Getting Out of It - The End is Passing Into A New Beginning

Cara McKennon

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plan to give some of them immunity in exchange for their testimony.

The Pentagon's and White House's efforts to claim the abuse was limited to just a few bad apples on the night shift at Abu Gharib Prison is not being swallowed by the majority of the wide. Maybe more people are waking up to the truth?

On a late night radio talk show last night, many people called in who felt this was a Code Red like was done in the movie, "A Few Good Men." And like the movie brought out, the orders are not put in writing so there is no paper trail to lead it back to the highest level of government.

But a paper trail does's called "The Patriot Act" which set the standard for this abuse. This Act was endorsed by the White House, Congress and the Pentagon. They should all be held accountable in this because they should have known this could happen and had with their full knowledge at Gitmo. The officer responsible for the abuse at Gitmo was moved to the Abu Gharib Prison to use these same tactics on detainees there. That's when the abuse increased.

It is also on public record, televised, reported in newspapers and on radio around the world that George W. Bush stated clearly that the people he considered in league with Osama bin Laden would not be treated under the guidelines of The Geneva Convention. Using that format, everyone in Iraq could be detained, held without a charge on the assumption, no proof, that they are a part of the Al Queda network.

The Patriot Act is unconstitutional and against International Law and The Geneva Convention. It basically trashes them all. The Patriot Act is what needs to be trashed and restore the standards of the Geneva Convention for everyone.

We have created a standard of abuse that can spread world wide and put our own troops in danger everywhere in the world if other countries adopted their own Patriot Act. They can also say they don't have to obey The Geneva Convention if the Americans don't.

America is supposed to set a higher standard, and not lower ourselves to the level of others in the past who have used abuse to try to gain information that has been proven to be unreliable, so why put our own military at risk by lowering our standards.

On another issue: Chalabi was on TV this morning denying being in league with Iran as has been reported in the news as to why his home was invaded and trashed recently. Others were on the same program and claimed they warned the Pentagon years ago not to trust him. The huge amount of money Chalabi was paid monthly is a clear indication his information was for sale to the highest bidder. If he was a true patriot of Iraq, this huge amount wouldn't be needed.

When will our government learn you can't buy friendship or allegiance? If they have to pay them for their allegiance, they are basically saying they are for sale to the highest bidder. In the past they have paid Joseph Stalin, Manuel Noriega, Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein who later became enemies of the state, either real or manufactured. History has proven it doesn't work.

The link below is from the Washington Post reporting about a high ranking officer knowing about the abuse and even condoned it as was revealed in the hearings yesterday. It also mentions others who are coming forward with their own knowledge of what really happened.
