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German "Homeland Security" Cops Caught Illegally "Screening" US Citizens In Delaware

US Citizens In Delaware

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US Army & Action Officer, the Joint Staff (JCS), Retired

366 Graves Mill Rd

Madison, VA 22727

18 July 2004

Subject: German “Homeland Security” cops caught illegally “screening” US citizens in Delaware

On 9 July 2004, a friend of mine, “Bravo India” (“BI”), was traveling to New Jersey, with a friend, “Oscar Hotel”, to visit a relative. They stopped at a truck stop-restaurant on RT 13, not far from the junction of I-95 in Delaware. “Oscar” was driving.

As they pulled into the stop/restaurant, on the right side of RT 13, Northbound, they saw at least four “black SUVs” with no markings or logos. Inside they saw four, armed, black uniformed men, each carrying H&K MP-5, 9mm submachine guns; along with individual side arms. The uniforms had no insignia, nor were any badges, leg stripes, or patches, in evidence.

One of the cops was manning a small **”laptop-resembling computer”. They were pulling aside US citizens [Just like I said would happen in my 1998 Prophecy Club videos, “Straight from the Joint Chiefs”, and “Black Operations and Prophecy”] and checking their ID’s; and who knows what else.

The cops did NOT get to that “stage” with BI. Furthermore, upon entering the restaurant, he had told “Oscar”, “If something happens here, take off!! Don’t wait for me!” [**The laptop was surely connected to a “Red-Blue List” data base, in real-time. Anyone found on either list would have “disappeared”; just as I have been warning for years!] See and

BI, upon coming from the restroom, was approached by one of the cops and told to come over to the “computer”. BI, noting a slight accent, immediately checked the MP-5 hanging from cop’s right shoulder. It was a fully automatic weapon, with **FRG/German markings on it. BI shouted, “Hey, who are you guys? You’re not Americans and you’re carrying illegal weapons?”

The surprised cop then [one-hand] grabbed him and replied, “Homeland Security”, also speaking quickly, in German, to one of the other cops standing close by. The verbalization of that single foreign phrase/command verified what was going on!!

Immediately, BI was hit in the side by a police baton!! Having a martial arts “degree” he punched the offending cop in the solar plexus, but hit body armor. He then, instinctively, karate style, went into the “gang attack mode”, and put his elbow into the larynx of the “holding” officer, who then let go.

The throat blow disabled the cop, allowing BI to quickly strip the MP-5 from his shoulder. He flipped the safety off and stuck it in the cops face, warning all the cops to “Drop your weapons to the floor, ‘cause this will be a head shot”. BI signaled Oscar to “Go”!

With husky lookin’ bikers, and others standing by, the ‘in-shock” cops dropped their weapons. BI told the bikers to pick up the weapons, “Cause these ain’t American cops, and they have no legal status.” To that, one biker says, “Yeah, they don’t have any badges, or anything… who are these guys?!” **Not one word was uttered by any of the four cops in their “defense”.

They were completely disoriented by the rapidly unfolding events, the likes of which they had not expected. [**The cops were probably on a “familiarization and training mission”; to include a “desensitization-of-the-America-people-to-UN-cop-stops” exercise; thus, at this stage they were not prepared for what they had encountered. However, they would have arrested, as quietly as possible, any Jew, born-again Christian, patriot, or constitutionalist, which they might have found on the “Red List”. Yea, I have warned thee for almost 10 years”. [Be advised what’s happening here was a “miracle” --- for your benefit! That includes this email/letter.]

BI then, with confusion reigning, exited the restaurant, with the weapon, and quickly left the area. He concealed the weapon, and phoned “Oscar” advising, “Find a fast food place a mile or so up the road, and stand by”. With another blessing, with his thumb up, a “miracle” trucker picked him up, and carried him North to the area of the fast food restaurant. where he rejoined Oscar. The trucker recognized BI as the guy in the restaurant, and admitted that fellow truckers had been seeing “these strange cops” doing “their shakedown thing” in various places.

The rest of the story is not necessary to relate. The weapon, which may have had a tracking chip in it, went to the bottom of Davy Jones’ locker somewhere along the highway. Now I know the reason for the “silence” from my friend in the past week.

So now you know, ONCE AGAIN, what you’re facing. Jewish folks, make ALIYAH now!

Al Cuppett

Purple Heart and Bronze Star Medals, et al, Vietnam, 1970-1971

Secretary of Defense Civilian Service Medal, Action Officer, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1990

Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Action Officer, t he Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1984-1990

**Subsequent examination of the weapon revealed it had no import markings, thus it had been brought here illegally by the Germans.
