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Bulletin: New Israeli Nuclear Incident !!

By Daniel Hopsicker

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ked down for security reasons Friday after two Israelis were detained for questioning."

Two Israeli men attempted to enter the base about 10:30 a.m., on the pretext that that had been hired by a moving-and-storage company to pick up household goods at an address on the base, the paper reported.

One occupant of the vehicle was unable to provide base security personnel with proper credentials, a base spokesman told reporters.

"Base personnel then inspected the van."

What the MP's found has no doubt since become highly classified. But before that could happen, a base spokesman had blurted this much of it out...

"A briefcase was removed from the vehicle with a remote control robot, but nothing was found in it."

By the time the story made it onto the AP newswire, the "remote control robot in a briefcase" briefcase had been made to disappear...

"Nothing was found in the van, but both men, whose names were not released, were later taken into custody," read the AP report.

Another 'NASCAR Israeli' incident

But wait. There's more...

A bomb squad was called in after the van tested positive for a bomb. Local police were notified and shut down all roads leading to the base.

The Times-Union said, "Military dogs trained to detect bombs were called in. The military dogs were alerted to a scent in the cab of the truck. Guards closed access to the base and notified the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service."

The parallels between today's account and last week's incident (Israeli Movers Freed, Back in Miami," are almost too numerous to mention...

"The dogs were called in again for a second pass of the vehicle, and they didn't pick up anything," said a base spokesman.

The two Israelis, whose names were not released, were taken into custody by federal immigration officers in Savannah for possible deportation.

The MadCowMorningNews has a crew on its way to the site, and will have a full report. See the latest episode of "Conspiracy Tonight" for an 8min look for the "NASCAR Israelis" recent "Adventure in Appalachia."

