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75% Of Population Already Mandated To Take Implantable Microchips

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hether in prison or on probation or on on parole must be chipped.

2) All convicted felons must be chipped.

3) All military personnel active or retired must be chipped.

4) All personnel working for any civilian company with major govt. contracts must be chipped.

5) Anybody receiving any government benefits at the county, state or federal level must be chipped this ranges from food stamps, Medicare to retirements bennies.

6)To travel overseas a chip along with a biometric passport.

7) Lets not forget all kids in the "programming educational system." It is for their protection and efficient monitoring.

8) Banks will mandate it like today one has to show a ATM bank card as well as a Drivers License to do a basic bank transaction.

All the above subjects will for the most part accept it because they are legally forced to or they don't want to lose the SS or retirement bennies.

The robotic blind ignorant sheep who volunteer to have it done as mentioned in your article round the whole control program out. Are there any truly free thinking free loving people and courageous people left. Sadly to say not to many of us.
