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Here It Comes: 'Brain Fingerprinting - A New Paragrim'

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or the first time, allows us to measure scientifically if specific information is stored in a person's brain. Brain Fingerprinting® technology determines the presence or absence of specific information, such as terrorist training and associations. This exciting new technology can address the following critical elements in the fight against terrorism:

* Aid in determining who has participated in terrorist acts, directly or indirectly.

* Aid in identifying trained terrorists with the potential to commit future terrorist acts, even if they are in a "sleeper" cell and have not been active for years.

* Help to identify people who have knowledge or training in banking, finance or communications and who are associated with terrorist teams and acts.

* Help to determine if an individual is in a leadership role within a terrorist organization.

One fundamental difference between a terrorist and an innocent suspect is that the terrorist has detailed knowledge of terrorist activities and an innocent person does not. A terrorist has either committed a crime, received training in terrorism or worked with others in planning terrorist attacks. The innocent suspect does not have this type of information stored in his brain.

Brain Fingerprinting technology is based on the principle that the brain is central to all human acts. In a terrorist act, there may or may not be peripheral evidence such as fingerprints or DNA, but the brain of the perpetrator is always there, planning, executing, and recording the crime. The terrorist has knowledge of organizations, training and plans that an innocent person does not have. Until the invention of Brain Fingerprinting testing, there was no scientific way to detect this fundamental difference. Brain Fingerprinting testing provides an accurate, economical and timely solution to the central problem in the fight against terrorism. It is now possible to determine scientifically whether or not a person has terrorist training and knowledge of terrorist activities.

Brain Fingerprinting testing can determine quickly and accurately whether or not specific knowledge is present or absent in an individual. In a Brain Fingerprinting test, words, pictures or sounds relevant to a crime, terrorist act or terrorist training are presented by a computer, along with other irrelevant images and sounds. Electrical brain responses are measured non-invasively through a patented headband equipped with sensors. A computer then analyzes the brain responses and determines whether or not the specific information is stored in the brain of the suspect. The results are not affected by the willingness of the person being tested to tell the truth. By testing for specific information, Brain Fingerprinting technology can accurately distinguish between a trained terrorist and an innocent person who may have knowledge of certain locations, people and events for legitimate reasons.

Brain Fingerprinting testing detects whether or not specific information is stored in a person's brain, not truth or falsehood. In fact, no questions are asked and no answers are given during a Brain Fingerprinting test. Brain Fingerprinting testing cannot be used for general, non-specific testing, something for which no reliable facts exist against which to compare the subject's answer. For example, a general question like "Are you a terrorist?" is not something that can be addressed by Brain Fingerprinting technology. However, the recognition of specific information from terrorist training or of individuals at a training camp can be detected. Investigators must have reliable, factual details from which to draw the information that will be used to structure the Brain Fingerprinting test.

Any known legitimate means through which a subject may have encountered crime or terrorist-relevant information are examined prior to conducting a Brain Fingerprinting test. Standard protocols ensure that the individual has a chance to reveal any circumstances through which he may have had legitimate access to the crime-relevant information in question. Any information the suspect has obtained through legitimate means is eliminated from consideration before the test is administered. A suspect is tested only on information that he has no legitimate means of knowing, information he denies knowledge of, and for which he has no legitimate explanation if it turns out that the information is indeed stored in his brain.

With the Brain Fingerprinting system, a significant scientific breakthrough has now become a practical applied technology. A new era in security and intelligence gathering has begun. Now, terrorists and those supporting terrorism can be identified quickly and accurately. No longer should any terrorist be able to evade justice for lack of evidence. And there is no reason why an innocent individual should be falsely imprisoned or convicted of terrorist activity. A Brain Fingerprinting test can determine with an extremely high degree of accuracy those who are involved with terrorist activity and those who are not.


From Ted Twietmeyer


As you know, I have a long and "colorful" history in electronics. I now work where the brain/vision connection are studied. Although not as expert in this as the scientists I work with are, I can shed some light on what this is about and how it really works. And right now, the research has barely scratched the surface of the complexities of the brain and its functioning.

What brain fingerprinting is attempting to do, is to use something long known to scientists called "evoked response." A stimulus is presented to a test subject, often using a computer monitor for the visual stimulation. And ElectroEncephloGraph (EEG) is used to record the results.

Experiments takes place in a SHIELDED room with a heavy door, which also keeps sound out. This improves the accuracy of tests, and the additional shielding is required for making some types of measurements. Signals from a special fabric head cap with more than 20 electrodes, are connected via shielded cables to the EEG machine outside that records the brainwaves syncronized with the visual stimulation.

The key thing here, is that testing requires VOLUNTARY participation by the subject. The question I share with many of your readers, is "How will you force someone, perhaps standing at a security station in a noisy airport or in an interrogation room, to stare at a computer monitor ? The idea in the real world is an impractical one. If the subject does not watch the screen, then nothing useful happens.

As america seems to be plummeting headlong into a long-planned police state, we now see companies popping up attempting to take laboratory experiments into mainstream public applications. And of course, its not about security at all, its just about MONEY.

It will be up to the american citizen to stop this madness. McCarthy would be proud, and would have loved to have the toys we have today to spy on people. The checks and balances our founding fathers set up in government are under attack right now. This isn't a problem facing a future generation, its OUR problem. RIGHT NOW. Speak up and be a thorn in the side of those in power- let them know you don't want endless tracking, tracing and interrogations. People often think its "someone else's problem." Its a great way to lie to themselves to ignore it all.

Another common theme is "if you're innocent you have nothing to worry about." If one watches any television or reads the newspaper at all, police make mistakes all time. Some have actually died of a heart attack when their door was kicked in by mistake and they were shoved to the floor and cuffed.

What happens, when it happens to YOU ? That will be the time when you'll be saying "why didn't I do something about this before ?" Too late now...

As a grandfather, I'm greatly concerned when I look at the grandchildren and think about what is being done to them even now. How can any parent with any children or grandchildren, not be concerned for their future freedom ?

Pretending there is no loss of our precious liberty, is the ultimate criminal thought.
