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Who Are The Domestic Terrorists And What Do We Do About It?


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Oh God, Here we go! I know many of you may have seen this, but I want to confirm it. Now it appears that Jail4Judges, the Courtwatchers and other judicial activist groups are now being targeted as "domestic terrorists." This would also include some of my own activities. Send me email if you can confirm it. Sincerely, Gerry Donaldson

Editor of Awaken America newsletter

Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos

Judge-Accusers labelled "Domestic Terrorists" and lose all rights 'Participants and activists of a Chicago-headquartered court-reform group face seizure of their properties, assets, goods, licenses, and records, and being stripped of their citizenship and making them detainees without time limits and without trials and without right to consult attorneys.

This stems from recent secret meetings of federal judges chaired in person or via teleconferencing by Antonin Scalia, an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The judges asked for and received from George W. Bush, an order signed by proxy Karl Rove, designating certain persons linked to the court-reform group, as "domestic terrorists" during a "war emergency". For the benefit and protection of the Judges, Bush invoked certain provisions of the "Patriot Acts" authorizing the occupant and resident of the White House, actually or in effect, to strip such U.S.-born persons of their citizenship rights, privileges, and immunities, and to detain them without time limit and without trial. Such laws forbid the courts to have jurisdiction to hear and consider any challenges whatsoever to the procedures.'

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